Driving in Canberra

Post 1


...Additionally, one of the benefits of the larger size family car (blue Ford Falcon, Holden Commodore etc) is the ability to straddle both the fast and slow lanes. Ideally one should alternate between driving really really slow and driving as quick as is necessary to force any vehicles in front of you onto the verge or the median strip (as appropriate).

However, an older or classic vehicle such as the FE or FC Holden should not be entirely discounted, as these are often fitted with a bonnet mascot, typically large and chromed, which is excellent for centering the car over the dividing line between the fast and slow lanes when you are defending that position - particularly if you have a co-pilot sitting in the middle of the front bench seat to guide you.

Lastly, an update about roundabouts. These are slightly raised circular concrete patches inserted in the middle of intersections. The more up-market ones have a small central floral patch, with a faux-brick effect around the perimeter. They are placed there simply to annoy you. They should be driven over as directly and quickly as possible, to limit the effect on your vehicles right-side suspension. The only diversion required is to avoid the patch of hydrangeas in the middle, if applicable. That is to say, you don't have to do this if you are driving the previously mentioned inner city four wheel drive.


Driving in Canberra - At Night

Post 2


While driving about the streets of Canberra with your baseball cap and your sunglasses on, there is also another thing a true Canberra driver must do. That is drive about with your headlight set on the highest setting that it can use.
The purpose of this has three funtions.
1) Helps you see thru your sunglasses.
2) Lets the oncoming traffic see that you are coming. (Low beam won't do this for you)
3) Lets the car in front of you see that they have a car behind them, and lowers the risk of being rear-ended.

Also, if your car has fog lights, using them aids the performance of the high beam when alerting oncoming traffic of your whereabouts (not just in foggy conditions).

Please add to this if more info is needed

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