A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

How true!

Post 1


Oh Smudger, how very true. Only yesterday, I said to my Husband that it should be compulsory for every customer, on entering a supermarket, to be issued with a yoke type fitment complete with wing mirrors. We have an absolutely wonderful restaurant in our local one, why do people insist on clogging up the isles when they can sit and chatter to their hearts content with a cup of tea upstairs? I'm afraid that I get rather vocal and suggest they do just that if a group are in my way.

Thanks for a wonderful offering.


How true!

Post 2


Hi Scorpio, Yea! even though we have more time now to do our shopping, since I have stopped working, I still like to get it over and done with as quickly as possiblesmiley - ok

I always go in with a positive attitude, like OK no one is going to upset me today, but then within 5 minutes some moron in front of me will change my mood in secondssmiley - erm bu clipping my heals with their trolley, or just stopping it right in front of me, then go away to get something off a shelf, then after standing there staring at for ages, only to put it back smiley - laugh

That incident in the car park, did actually happen to us, and it was the same person who made our shopping trip a complete disastersmiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger.

How true!

Post 3

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

I like going to the store(usualy) except when it's crowded

How true!

Post 4


When is it not crowded? I've been at 3:00am before now and it is still crowdedsmiley - grr Oh the joy of T***osmiley - evilgrin

How true!

Post 5

Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake

not heresmiley - laugh

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