A Conversation for Renaissance Faires


Post 1


I had not heard of this before your article, so I find it very interesting. It sounds vaguely similar to live roleplaying, but a bit more full on. I agree with you it definately sounds worth investigating. smiley - smiley

Awesome article

Post 2


I love your article! I have attended these festivals, but never stayed after hours. Maybe I should try being a faire worker next time. Maybe I could sing medieval songs or something (no, unfortunately, I don't play the lute). The editors have not gotten to my article yet either - although you've been waiting longer than I have, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Awesome article

Post 3

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

There's a faire every year at the northern end of my town, and most of my old high school friends have worked it at one time or another, so I can verify the veracity of these claims. One thing I would like to say about the bad acting, though, is that it's always done in that campy I-know-I'm terrible-at this-but-I-can't-be-convinced-to-give-a-damn method, so it's more amusing than offensive.

Awesome article

Post 4

The Traveller

I you're planning on joining up with one of these "actually-an-excuse-to-party" jobs, make sure you practice by calling everybody you meet "stout yeoman", and by drinking very, very, very, very much.

Oh, and be prepared to be forced to have an open mind, if you don't have one already.

smiley - smiley

The Traveller
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