A Conversation for Sensible Shoes

TRULY sensible shoes

Post 1


I feel it is my duty to point out that there is no such thing as sensible shoes. The only sensible thing you can wear on your feet is NOTHING. Try it. You'll like it. After a while you'll grow a thicker skin on your soles, allowing you to walk on gravel, broken glass and mislaid drawing pins without discomfort. Well, with less discomfort anyway. The pleasure of walking on soft grass, or peat moorland, or a sandy beach, with bare feet, cannot be overestimated. Send me £30 for your FREE 'bare foot walking' pack, which includes a 'soleless shoe' for duping idiotic shopkeepers who think bare feet are somehow unhygenic (after all, when did you wash the soles of your shoes?!).

TRULY sensible shoes

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

A excellent point! Beside, if shoes were truly sensible they would surely find something other to do than allowing themselves to be stuffed with feet.

Is it fair to blame your sensible shoes whenever you are aimlessly wandering around or lost?

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