A Conversation for International Terms for Being Drunk

USA fill ins

Post 1

J Murphy

HEre are a few from the Midwest US.. sorry if posting gave me troubles....

1: In the Bag
2: Wearing Beer Goggles or just 'Beer Goggled'
3: Comfortably numb
4: Dancing with the Captain (Captian Morgan's rum)

If I think of any more I'll let you know... the weekend is only a few days off

J Murphy

USA fill ins

Post 2


Here are some more American slang terms for you.

Sloshed (he's a bit sloshed)
Marinated (I see you've beem marinating yourself)
Feeling that dog (she's feeling that dog)
Pickled (I'm feeling mighty well pickled)
Shtupified (I'm *hic* shtupified)
Icehoused (reference to a brand of very cheap beer)
Slammed (wow, she's really slammed)

These all come from the Hudson Valley area in New York State.

USA fill ins

Post 3


here are a few more from So.Cal.: blitzed, blotto, blanhammered,
sauced, loose, tight, tuned up, zoned, zonked, wiped out, clobbered,
toataled, toasted, buzzed, shot, juiced, canned, plowed, bombed, lit,
lubricated, gassed, embalmed, destroyed, bleary eyed, blind drunk,
hittin a 40 (refers to the ever poular 40oz. bottle of beer), gyros have tumbled (not the greek sandwich but the reference is stabilizing gyros used to keep aircraft,spacecraft ect. stable,I live in JPL's backyard)
see ayeam not as dink as yoou thrunk ayeam. cheers

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