A Conversation for Don't Panic

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 21

Hatman ACE

No, no I think you may have something there, as surely x can stand for anything we have discovered the Unifying theory of Physics!!


Where x = The unifying theory of physics
The unifying theory of physics could be sid to be:


That's that sorted then.
(until someone actually works what the unifying theory of physics is)

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 22

PhysicsMan (11 - 3 + 29 + 5 = 42)

Yea, yea, close enough.

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 23



Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 24

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)



Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 25

Ming Mang

I hate to point this out, but Whales are mammals, not fishes! But, yes, a Whale is a 'BLOODY BIG' mammal!

smiley - fish

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 26

Hatman ACE

I heard whales were actually a sort of banana, or was it that bananas were a form of insect?

Such thoughts are worrying, and make me want to go and lie down for a bit.

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 27

PhysicsMan (11 - 3 + 29 + 5 = 42)

Yes, whales are "BLOODY BIG" mamles(sic). But how does the theroy "Everything is not happy where it is now" explain them?

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 28

PhysicsMan (11 - 3 + 29 + 5 = 42)

P.S. (sic) means I don't know how to spell. So don't nobody complain about my spelling (or grammer).

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 29

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Why would I wish to complain about your honoured female grandparent? smiley - winkeye

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 30


Maybe Wales is more apt then Bloody big mammals...is it really happy where it is now..as for the theory..can anything that is in constant change have a unifying law..or does "shit happens" just about cover everything???..though the tripping on acid can be a novel way to study physics..esp things like inertia and gravity..

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 31

Ming Mang

Bananas have about 50% the same genes as us, maybe you heard that and it somehow got distorted in your head...
And for the explanation of whales and 'Everything is unhappy where it is' is simple; the whale is not happy where it is.
According to my belief, change is The Only constant, and the Universe acts in a random fashion. There is even a theory that the Universe was created out of the randomness of pseudo-objects and the bonds between them... This has been modelled on a computer (how they did it or if it's worth trusting I don't know) and it seems to explain a lot of the mysteries of the Universe...

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 32



Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 33

Ming Mang

Er...well...umm...good question...how do I know the whale is not happy where it is...well, it does keep moving...but it may be moving to some other place it is also happy in...errrr...but then it may be moving becaus eit is currently unhappy with where it is...but then again it may be moving to some other place that it is also happy in...ummm...errr...that's a very good question...err..well...

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 34


I will ask one the next time I see one, but as far as I'm aware whales are pretty much sorted in the happiness dept. as long as they avoid Japanese whaling trawlers and humans in general I'd say they are fine..which still begs the question what is the unifying law of physics...so to all who have had the benifit of third level education; enlighten me, or at least tell me its not going to interupt my Saturday night...Trinity

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 35

Ming Mang

It's not going to interrupt your Saturday night as far as I know...
But, I'm sure you'll agree, I really don't know all that much, so that's not really very comforting.

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 36



Well, since I last posted here, I have been doing some...ah...research into the quantum and frankly chaotic nature of the universe. I have drawn the following conclusions:

1] A unified theory of physics combines relativity, quantum theory and chaos theory. It would show that:

a] Time and space are fairly arbitrary constructs.
b] When you look at things really closely, they know you are looking and pretend not to exist.
c] Nothing really exists anyway, at least not in the sense we think it does. The universe is simply an infinite web of aperiodic feedback loops, connecting everything to everything else, [man].

2] Whales are cursed by desire, which leads to suffering, and thus are forced to move.

Hope that clears it up.
Take it easy.

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 37


Every living thing has a desire, whether to move, breath,eat or play cribbage...this hardly leads to suffering...The whales are getting a hard time in all this quantum stuff..Thanks for clearing up the theory...I knew nothing existed..."There is no other world, Mine was the only one"...Pretty far out stuff either way (man)....Trinity

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 38


Every living thing has a desire, whether to move, breath,eat or play cribbage...this hardly leads to suffering...The whales are getting a hard time in all this quantum stuff..Thanks for clearing up the theory...I knew nothing existed..."There is no other world, Mine was the only one"...Pretty far out stuff either way (man)....Trinity

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 39

Doctor Doughnuts

The only real unifying theory of physics is that we can guarantee we'll never work it all out. Pass the beer!

Well? What is the Unifying Theory of Physics?

Post 40

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Excellent thought, Dr. D, can I have a large whisky on the side as well?

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