A Conversation for Wellington, New Zealand.
Vlad the Incompetent Started conversation Nov 11, 1999
How about mentioning the burgeoning film industry? As Wellington is playing host to the 2nd highest - budgeted movie of all time, we need to add something in it that will try and convince everyone else to make movies here.
After all, our locations have appeared in numerous movies*:
The Old Museum (Now Massey Uni) - Forgotten Silver/The Frighteners
Newtown Zoo - Brain Dead (or Dead Alive if watching video in the US)
Gear Homestead/Hills between Plimmerton and Pukerua Bay - Bad Taste
Rich wankers house in Waikanae - The Frighteners
Railway Station/Picton Ferry - Goodbye Pork Pie
Clifton Tce Car Park - The Tribe
Mount Victoria/Massey Memorial/other secret places - Lord of the Rings
BadJelly Posted Nov 16, 1999
Kaori (with the road markings repainted)-Braindead
Tawa-Via Satellite
Weta studios in Wellington-Lord of the Rings
Seatoun-Hobit village, Lord of the Rings
Ohakune-Smash Palace
Southern Alps-Willow
Slug Posted Nov 16, 1999
Perhaps even more important than the films themselves is the multitude of famous people who have been frequenting Wellington's bars, restaurants and cafes.
Oh, alright, by "multitude" I mean Liv Tyler, but that's probably enough.
I am seriously considering setting up LivWatch, a public service which keeps tabs on Liv Tyler's various appearances (Lido, Matterhorn, Tupelo, etc) and see if any pattern develops; therefore makking it easier for fans, stalkers and lunatics to catch a glimpse of Wellington's very own import celebrity.
BadJelly Posted Nov 17, 1999
I'm sure it would make you a hero to thousands but we wouldn't want to scare the poor girl away.
You can add Manners Mall McDonalds to the list. I hope she appreciates the difference between over-processed grass fed New Zealand beef and over processed grain fed American beef.
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