A Conversation for The Lady of the Lake

Hello Lady!!!

Post 1

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - smiley

Great entry, but you didn't mention our dear King Arthur and his legends!!!

I just read an excerpt of Morte D'Arthur for my Brit Lit class, and I learned that, according to Sir Thomas Maloroy, the three ladies are Morgan le Faye, a Queen of(I think, can't quite remember) North Wales, and a Queen of some sort of wasteland!??? ehhh.... I'll probably have better info on it after class in a couple of days, darling... smiley - tongueout

Isn't the reason people are so interested in the Lady of the Lake due to King Arthur!?? smiley - smiley

Thanks for a great read!!! I learned plenty that I hadn't known beforehand-- being a pisces(ruled by the feet), I appreciated the detail about tying shoes!!! smiley - smiley

Hello Lady!!!

Post 2


Hi there.smiley - smiley

'Fraid this particular story has no relation to King Arthur's lady in the lake, and Excalibur. It is Welsh, as are many Arthur legends, but is otherwise unrelated.

I will write up some more legends eventually (possibly even some Arthurian ones!), but I have some procrastinating to do first... not to mention musing.smiley - winkeye


Hello Lady!!!

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Ccccccccooooool, Peg!!! smiley - winkeye

Then can you put in a disclaimer: this is not about King Arthur, but trust me, you still want to rea this!!!

smiley - smiley

Because you do-- I lurve legends very much.

I am semi-working on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, if you'd like to check out that Guide Entry!!! smiley - smiley

Sorry that my replies will be more delayed than usual.... life intervenes...

Hello Lady!!!

Post 4


Life is a nusiance, eh? I like to think long and hard...

Perhaps I'll reply another time.smiley - winkeye


Hello Lady!!!

Post 5

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Life isn't a nuisance-- it's just full. Full of ups and downs... that's what intervenes!!! smiley - smiley

Hello Lady!!!

Post 6


No I think 'nuisance' could generally be described as a fair definition. Now 'living' is another thing entirely...


Hello Lady!!!

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

And making a living is different from living!!! smiley - smiley

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