A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Nice, friendly girls

Post 261

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Not only do I doubt the sincerity of your glib dismissal of my genuine and deeply felt concerns re: your advocacy of motor madness, I am becoming increasingly paranoid that you may, out of spite, begin advocating random damage to all the things I love dearly. smiley - grr
The colour blue for example is held as the holiest of holies in my pantheon of things and I will not stand for any of your anarchistic shenanigans should you decide to turn your abilities to incite dischord against my favourite hues.
You may say what you will against black and white. And I would probably never bother to defend green or yellow from your wanton rampage. But pink and blue and red and grey are here-by declared most favoured and under my protection. Be warned.
no peace for the agents of chaos
~jwf~ smiley - whistle

Nice, friendly girls

Post 262


My jeans are blue. How do you feel about that?

Nice, friendly girls

Post 263

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Levis or a designer brand?

Nice, friendly girls

Post 264


I think they're a generic no-name brand.

Nice, friendly girls

Post 265

unremarkable: Lurker, OMFC, LPAS

the automotive defacement was really only put forth as a means to an end. naturally, we harbor no feelings of violence tword any automobile. its nothing personal, its just business smiley - smiley the owner, on the other hand.. then again, there are many non-automotive ways to strike fear in the hearts of one's enemies...

and i certainly do have a very high regard for the color blue as well

Nice, friendly girls

Post 266

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Speaking of moral highground, and high rearguards, I quote from the Book of the Blue:
"..and tea bags too should be held in high esteam."
smiley - silly
~jwf~ (baits another hook and waits for someone else to land Corinth the Generic)

Nice, friendly girls

Post 267


For example, you can seduce your enemy's wife, and his daughters and granddaughters, if applicable.

Nice, friendly girls

Post 268

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

"Any enemy old enough to have grand-daughters has not been an enemy for long." - Attila the Huney Bear
smiley - silly

Nice, friendly girls

Post 269


Can I really? smiley - bigeyes

Nice, friendly girls

Post 270

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Dear Tefkat,
I have been searching for 'bed raggled' in several dictionaries of phrases and am at a loss. It sounds kinky as hell. It obviously involves a bed but raggling is a new one on me.

Nice, friendly girls

Post 271


It's actually spelt bed-rag-gled. It's the common Scottish name for milvus stragulupanneus, a species of kite whose relaxed attitude to grooming and day to day plumage care outside of the mating season gives it the appearance of a tattered blanket.

Nice, friendly girls

Post 272

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

My hero! And damned if I don't believe every word of it!
(First I had to read it on six levels of paranoia before contenting myself on your record of gracious and enthusiastic info. It's the air in here lately!)
Thanks Myc.

Nice, friendly girls

Post 273


It's all true except for the words smiley - winkeye

Nice, friendly girls

Post 274


It turns out that the sweet little honey blonde I met on the ferry has a boyfriend. Some college bloke, I'm sure. What crappery! We met for coffee and I began telling her how lovely she is and how I'd felt instantly and physically drawn to her, she dropped this unwelcome piece of information right in my mocha. Such a pity, in addition to being a tasty morsel, she is endowed with the sort of mind that stretches mine--something rare indeed. I was hoping to enjoy physical as well as mental excersize with her...

Nice, friendly girls

Post 275


Ack! smiley - ill
Never mind Corinth. C'est la guerre. Better luck next time smiley - cuddle

Nice, friendly girls

Post 276


still it's terribly disappointing. Perhaps all is not yet lost. Anybody have any homewrecking advice?

Nice, friendly girls

Post 277

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

If she's as bright as you think, she's probably keeping her options open. After all, all things, deeds and words that come before the 'present' moment, especially when developing new relationships, are really just prior history. Also called 'baggage'. Just because she 'has' a boyfriend doesn't mean she is content with the status quo or doesn't want to explore new possibilities. But be prepared (and please don't hate her) if her 'experiment' with you has to end abruptly when she realises what a horrible mistake she's making.
smiley - biggrin

Nice, friendly girls

Post 278


I've never hated anyone in my life. The most I could manage would be to be disappointed with her.
Ah, my french-named honey, deeds and words are to come...

Nice, friendly girls

Post 279


smiley - huh She's called Miel?? smiley - bigeyes

Nice, friendly girls

Post 280


er, no.
She's sweet like honey.
She has a french name.

I must curb my poeticisms...

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