A Conversation for (old version) The Even Deeper Meaning of Liff

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Post 1

Dave Rogers

Some new liff stuff if you're interested, at;



Post 2

The Dancing Tree

I think the phrase rhymes with "pants oin fire" smiley - smiley

If you add loads more stuff, drop a note on my home page. Ta. (BTW, I've already culled ID: A166628)


Post 3

Dave Rogers

Nope, don't get the rhyming bit. Please translate?
Yes, I'll leave a note as requested.


Post 4

The Dancing Tree

As in "Liar, liar, pants on fire". Sorry - an old English "rhyme" - it was posted at the end of a very long day! I have to say - that Liff entry is going to be massive! Lucky me, having to edit it smiley - winkeye

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