A Conversation for (old version) The Even Deeper Meaning of Liff
Mu Beta Started conversation Feb 26, 2002
Kegworth (n.)
The exact volume that must be poured from a new beer barrel before the beer is considered palatable. In student bars
1 Kegworth = 10ml.
Btw, the above contains an entry for 'Strubby' which is not cross-indexed with Liff. Keep up the good work.
wingpig Posted Mar 11, 2002
How about a Knebworth being the minimum amount of vocal gravel-ness permitted in the obligatory ballad on a metal album?
Researcher 198514 Posted Jul 14, 2002
the feeling one gets during mid jump over a small river or creek which from this new elivated angle apperes to be much larger than first thought before the jump was atempted.
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