A Conversation for Bad drivers & other things


Post 1

wise and inteligent tamara

Seeems that there realy must be alot of problems in the driving area. i guess you could say that i hate the part where people drive by you and you are going the speed the sign tells you to go and they come flying by you and just flick you off doesnt that just piss you off. well ok maybe thats just me anywho. thats my opinion i think that it is very sad that you have been going the correct speed and peopele get pissed off about it and clam you are driving to slow and wouldnt that make them be driving to fast. well i think it would. ok so anywho there thats it me and my ramblings will just go back under the satirs till i get a reply. k bye


Post 2

wise and inteligent tamara

smiley - bigeyes

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