A Conversation for h2g2 Life

No fair...

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

using real life to influence your plot development.
If you don't have enough compost stored up for your spreading needs, don't borrow it...

Leave that to us single panel reactionary fellows...smiley - biggrinsmiley - devil

No fair...

Post 2


You may not believe me, but the events I'm using in this storyline (sort of) happened at the beginning of this year. What's more, I submitted this cartoon before the new sign up thingee happened this week. so I'm innocent Guv'. Honest!smiley - angel

As for "using real life to influence your plot development", that's 90% of what h2g2life is! smiley - laugh

Perhaps I should talk to BBCi about them using cartoon plots to influence their programming choices.smiley - tongueout

No fair...

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

"Perhaps I should talk to BBCi about them using cartoon plots to influence their programming choices."

smiley - wizardsmiley - weirdsmiley - fullmoon

That is just the sort of thought that keeps me awake nights...
like thinking about infinity...
or reality programming...
or unsuitable footwear...
or whether my dog is getting enough cheese...

Yeah, I believe you. You are just the sort to actually have an outline of your story...smiley - book
Nothing like those sporadic bits of spontaneity.

Which reminds me.
How old is your child now?

No fair...

Post 4


2 years, 7 months. smiley - smiley

And h2g2life IS spontaneous.

This little storyline has come about because I was at the bottom of the barrel ideas wise, so I thought to myself "It's time to tell a story that goes over several issues. Hey! What about that time I changed personnas..." and so on. It's easier writing a story that goes over weeks rather than trying to think up something new.

I'm going back to the spontaneous stuff soon. Maybe.

Oh, and the new buzzword is 'irritainment': the shows you find yourself watching, despite the fact that they p*** you off. 'Reality TV' almost always comes under this heading. Home Improvement stuff not far behind.

smiley - biggrin

No fair...

Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I watch police procedurals and point out the inconsistencies and impossibilities.

Uvula says,"Don't tell me about it, tell them!"

I've tried. They won't respond.
People, particularly in the "irritainment" industry, don't want to be told anything...unless it's how much you like them and you want them never to fall off the air...

I don't think much about my cartoons.
And I think it shows.
I once went the route of putting together six weeks of strips for possible syndication. Took me two months of staring at bits of Bristol board with a pencil in my hand to come to the realization that I better draw something, anything, and let the words come when they may...

Oddly enough, whenever I sit down to watch the tube, I usually have my sketchboard with me. And my sketches and doodles are nothing like the cartoons.

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