A Conversation for 1The 'New Yorker' 1987-present

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

Post 1


Entry: The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present - A13521160
Author: Leo - "And Lo! The frowny one smileth." - U519437

Placing here for comment and polishing while I complete the project.

A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

Post 2



What exactly does this mean? Or am I just being silly and not picking up on a cultural reference?


Since in h2g2-land sub-editors are copy-editors, perhaps there's a different term you could use for this?

The thing about Remnick is that his reputation as a journalist was completely coincidental. After landing his job with the Post, they sent him to cover events in the Soviet Union, pretty much assuming it was a dead-end, low-profile beat. But then - it dissolved, and suddenly the Soviet Union was big news, and Remnick did then happen to cover it well. It was a classic case of being in the right place at the right time.

Should "Conde" have an acute accent over the e?

Great job with this one, too!smiley - biggrin

A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

Post 3


I didn't mention much about Russia because it seemed more complicated than was warranted, and the three front page articles was impressive enough, but it probably does bear mentioning. It's just that whenever people mention the incident they assume you know what blew up, and I don't. Little Dec sounds to me like the name of a cartoon character.

I'll probably just call them editors or assistant editors.

Conde should. I supposed I'd better dig up the code. smiley - run

A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

Post 4


smiley - biggrin Yes of course you're being silly! smiley - laugh No, you just haven't bumped into ads for upscale cosmetic company Estee Lauder, evidently.

OK, fixed the editors and the &eacute;

Going to plumb my father about Russia tonight.

A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

Post 5


Oh. That's right, the name is vaguely familiar.

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A13521160 - The New Yorker Magazine - 1987-present

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