A Conversation for Swiv's Idea of a University

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Post 1


Yay Swiv... nice to have you back in the Post again...


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Post 2

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

fank 'ooo Greebs!

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Post 3


Totally my pleasure... ~hugs~


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Post 4


What is this 'historiography' that you speak of?

Can't wait till next year, when I too will get extremely fast internet in my room, yay!

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Post 5

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

historiography is kind of the history of history... with a bit of philosophy flung in.
why and how you should study history, and then lots of how people wrote history, and why they saw it the way they did, and why we have "schools" of historians - like the Marxist historians...

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