A Conversation for Salou
NICEGUY4 Started conversation Nov 29, 2003
I agree salou is fantastic! me & my wife had the best holiday ever back in july 2002.
We stayed at the hotel calypso wich i,d recomend to anyone! the beaches are fantastic,the people so nice
The bars & clubs are abundant my favourite tipple is brandy (spanish of course) they make some excellent ones eg: don carlos,sobrano,vetrano,terrys centinario & one called formidable wich was!!!!
Anyway i tried ibiza & majorca this year but salou won hands down & i hope we will be there next july signing off now so you can wake up now!!
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Dec 2, 2003
Hi pal,jul,just got ur msge,,soz...
We stayed in "royal apts"...right in the centre !!!!!..
errrm,wot do ya ya reckon to the gui guide entry ??..
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