A Conversation for In Love with a German Film Star

Alternative Writing Workshop: A1318781 - In Love with a German Film Star

Post 1


Entry: In Love with a German Film Star - A1318781
Author: Speckly - newest groupie of a far from useless Hound. - U226818

The referances are obscure, which could be a problem.

Please let me know if it does/doesn't make sense.

smiley - orangefish

A1318781 - In Love with a German Film Star

Post 2


Well, you've got me geschtumppen! smiley - winkeye

Summat about ar Marlene... but was... keine Anung!


viel Gluck

A1318781 - In Love with a German Film Star

Post 3


Sorry I should have said, it's not a quiz after all.

The obvious referance, or at least the one that I would hope people might get, is to a Marlena Deitrich film called Morocco.

The more problematic one is to a song called 'I'm in love With A German Film Star' by an obscure 80's group called the Passions.

I want to know if you get the referances, of course, but also if the story makes sense if you don't get them. Or if it just reads like gibberish.

Not making a whole bunch of sense today.

smiley - orangefish

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A1318781 - In Love with a German Film Star

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