A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

What a wonderful story of empathy and determination

Post 1


Goodness me Smudger!

I have been glued to this story of your stay in Baku.

What an ins[[iration you were to everyone.

I am going to print it out and read it when I am feeling depressed. It is quite amazing 'what you did with those poor people who had been so oppressed. but then there are people who can inspire others, and you, my dear friend, are one of those people.

I really count myself lucky that you are my friend, and thank you for showing me this link.

Wow!! I am totally speechless and awestruck with your courage and resourcefulness.


What a wonderful story of empathy and determination

Post 2


Well thank you very much for that, I feel a bit smiley - blush now. It was like I said at the time, you just had to make the best of what you had and not to think of all the things you have not gotsmiley - ok
They were great pupils to teach as they were so eager to learn it gave me incentive to carry on regardlesssmiley - winkeye
Thanks again for you post, it also gives me encouragement to keep writingsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

What a wonderful story of empathy and determination

Post 3


An example to us all.

Dearsmiley - blushing Smudger, great to havw you as a friend. !1
CME AlsoRan80

What a wonderful story of empathy and determination

Post 4


Hi AR, Aye! its a great feeling to know thatsmiley - ok You have encouraged me to keep going a few times in the past, just when I was thinking of not writing any moresmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger

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