A Conversation for The Big Five Accountancy Firms
Flea Market: A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
Milos Started conversation Jan 24, 2007
Entry: The Big Five Accountancy Firms - A1302201
Author: Tenaka - U186694
Submitted to the Flea Market at the recommendation of the Scouts.
A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
Icy North Posted Feb 14, 2007
I'll have a go at picking this one up, as I promised in Peer Review.
I'm not an accountant, so if anyone with relevant knowledge has any comments in the meantime, please post them here.
A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
Icy North Posted Feb 19, 2007
Resubmitted to Peer Review:
PR Thread: F48874?thread=3893519
Entry: The 'Big Five' Accountancy Firms - A19876738
Author: Icy North - U225620
A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
U1250369 Posted Feb 28, 2007
It was very good, Icy.
When does a person decide to become an accountant?
When he realises he doesn't have the charisma to succeed as an undertaker
A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
Icy North Posted Feb 28, 2007
Hi Chips
It's Tenaka's article, so he should take the credit. I've just done what I think it needs to be picked by a Scout. Nobody has yet, mind! I'll post here when it has.
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Flea Market: A1302201 - The Big Five Accountancy Firms
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