A Smiley Tale

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Once upon a time there was a radio series. The radio series became a smiley - book. This begat another book - and another - and another - and another, which is quite an achievement for a trilogy!

The smiley - books - and their author - became popular. At the same time the internet grew and spawned web sites. The author of the smiley - books was an avid supporter of the internet or 'information highway' and decided to join the fray. After dabbling for a while he decided to combine his two interests and formed a site called h2g2.com.

When h2g2 first started there were only a few smiley - smileys living here; amongst them smiley - winkeye, smiley - smiley and smiley - tongueout reigned supreme. But they were lonely and over-worked!

In time, h2g2 encountered problems. It disappeared for a while and emerged as part of a much bigger endeavour. Not all of its members approved of this metamorphosis, but the majority settled in to their new environment and many helped to develop the site even more, pushing for change where they saw change was required.

One of the most obvious changes was the explosion of smiley - smileys. The original few were joined by many more - spreading their sentiment throughout the land of h2g2. smiley - cats and smiley - dogs fought wars and made peace, smiley - witchs, smiley - wizards and smiley - ghosts smiley - zoom around whilst smiley - fairys and smiley - angels tried to keep everyone good.

smiley - pirates raised their smiley - skull flags. smiley - ufos and smiley - rockets flew to alien smiley - planets or smiley - moons and met with smiley - aliensmiles, smiley - martiansmiles or smiley - monsters.

The smileys could play and work at will. smiley - borg played with smiley - tennisball, smiley - artists flourished, smiley - doctors and smiley - nurses tried to cure the smiley - ill, smiley - bruised and smiley - injured.

smiley - smileys could now smiley - blush, smiley - wah, be smiley - huh, smiley - sadface, smiley - cross or smiley - doh. They could let of smiley - steam then smiley - grovel and say smiley - sorry for being smiley - grr. A smiley - diva could smiley - drool for a smiley - coolsmiley - surfer or a smiley - geek and fall in smiley - love. Maybe they would take a smiley - bus and go out for smiley - redwine, smiley - oj or smiley - tea and grab some smiley - burger, smiley - donut or smiley - strawberries.

At Hallowe'en they could make smiley - pumpkin and in the winter months go smiley - ski or build a smiley - snowman and have smiley - snowball fights. Later they could sit around the smiley - xmastree or smiley - kiss under the smiley - holly. Sometimes this could lead onto more Adult behaviour. All in all, everything was smiley - ok and smiley - biggrin.

Then came a time when Big Changes were announced and the smiley - smileys were smiley - headhurts. Most tried to be smiley - zen and smiley - dontpanic. A few were smiley - blue and smiley - erm but managed to be smiley - brave. When the Announcement came it was pretty smiley - wow. The smiley - smileys didn't need to be smiley - brokenheart after all.

They want to wish smiley - goodluck to various members of the italics team who are smiley - run off to pursue other careers, either with the BBC or smiley - musicalnote and raise a smiley - cider and smiley - applause those who are staying. Of course some are smiley - envy and some have already smiley - footinmouthsmiley - evilgrin because they couldn't help but smiley - somersault and smiley - rofl; smiley - sorry. We at smiley - thepost just want to say smiley - ta and, once more, smiley - goodluck.


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