A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Jesus, Help!

Post 61


Thanks Leo, you're great! I'm printing, and will get to yours soon. Had to take a break for a bit.

Jesus, Help!

Post 62


Hi Leo. Working on yours now. I made quite a few of your suggested changes. I get too focused on scholarly-journal type writing, and it comes so easily that I forget myself and want to tell the whole story (see my quote on my space? if only...). I talk like that too, so my few friends are robots who enjoy pedantic lecturing back and forth in exchange of real conversation smiley - smiley.

Thanks, btw, I'm a comma freak, and, I know, I use, a few, too, many smiley - cheers. Did close to a global search and replace. Still need to write the Matthew/Luke comparison, but it's better now, I hope.

Oh, and uh, yeah - I do write how to manuals. My job security rests in devising impossibly circuitous routes to solve difficult analytical problems, then needing to write help manuals so if I die or something the data's not lost. Now the manuals are so circuitous in and of themselves (but perfect to the t if you actually follow them), that there's no chance I'd get sacked, since no one would ever want to dive into a 100+ page guide on how to do one small part of my job. Creating Kafka's Castle in my own little way, but that's bureaucracy for you. Just kidding (well, sort of)!smiley - surfer

Jesus, Help!

Post 63

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks incredible, Valliere, well done. Is it ready for Peer Review yet, in your opinion?

Jesus, Help!

Post 64


It's still missing a bit of narrative about Luke vs Matthew in their portrayals of Jesus. Nothing too much. I'll have to work on that tonight. Then it might be, but I might want to sleep on it a couple more days, too. Did a bunch of chopping last night, and haven't re-read; also its still pretty long. Might have to break into two articles. Did you take a look? Any thoughts? Thanks.

Jesus, Help!

Post 65

Gnomon - time to move on

Where is the entry, so that I can have a look?

Jesus, Help!

Post 66



How was Greece?

I'm off to work...Appreciate in advance any comments, nitpicking, rotten tomatoes...

Jesus, Help!

Post 67

Gnomon - time to move on

Greece was great!

I've given this a full going over in full Gnomon style.smiley - smiley

Matthew, Mark, Lukeand John -- put a space after Luke

textsand historical evidence -- put a space after texts

four paintings of inconsistent portraits of the same man -- I think "four inconsistent portraits of the same man" would be better

WHO WAS JESUS? -- change this to "Who Was Jesus?"

Jesus eats a Last Supper, betrayed by Judas --> Jesus eats a Last Supper, is betrayed by Judas

2000 years of exegesis -- our convention is to put a comma in large numbers: 2,000 years of exegesis

the slaughter of children by Herod -- perhaps add a phrase saying who Herod is, since you haven't mentioned him before.

radicalizes --> radicalises -- please use -ise endings for all such words.

then come, follow me” -- change that closing double quotation mark to a single one, please.

[Y]ou will be hated by all because of my name -- why the brackets around the Y?

but on human things” -- another double quote which should be single

commanded you,’continuing on the note -- insert a space before continuing.

‘everything comes in parables; in order that -- change the semicolon to a closing quotation mark

“All things have been handed ... chooses to reveal him” -- please use single quotation marks

is here fleshed-out --> is here fleshed out

Abraham and Adam6 -- you need to add a full stop at the end of this, after the tag.

oppressedand -- needs a space

Footnote number 1 has double quotes which need to be single.

"Luke makes note that Jesus was only thought to be Joseph’s son" -- I don't think it is entirely clear what you mean here, since many people use "only" in a rather ambiguous way and may misinterpret this.

smiley - smiley

Jesus, Help!

Post 68

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yes I read it through Valliere, and I'm looking forward to it being entered into Peer Review.smiley - smiley

What do you think, Gnomon, is it too long? I don't think so, not for an entry on Jesus..

Jesus, Help!

Post 69

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't think it is too long. But I'm not sure it fills the gap in the guide of an Entry on Jesus.

Jesus, Help!

Post 70


>>radicalizes --> radicalises -- please use -ise endings for all such words.<<

<smiley - cross> I was going to mention that, but my MS spellchecker claimed it should be 'ize'. that's not the first time Bill has let me down. What dictionary do you spose microsoft uses for british spelling? </smiley - cross>

I think what Gnomon means is that you've got put in somewhere the straight story of Jesus, as given - from birth to . That'll make it longer, but will also help folks who have no idea who the dude is.

Jesus, Help!

Post 71


I will put in the 'full story' before the comparisons. The problem is, there is so much that differs between the Gospels that describing 'the full story' without it being simplified into a children's Bible story is very difficult. I'll summarize. It really isn't a clear-cut issue, as the multitude of different religious beliefs demonstrates. I mean, in John he dies before passover! In Luke he's kind, and in Matthew he's conservative and almost cruel. Religion would be so much more clear-cut if there were only one story.

Word uses a standard British English dictonary. However, some things are clearly mispellings in British English (e.g., labor vs labour, color vs colour), while others, radicalize/radicalise are both acceptable. International journals, eg, accept 'our' words but tend to prefer the 'ize' words - probably because of the clearer pronounciation with the zed, while the ess is a complicated one depending on the country (radicalice?).

You must be close to exam time? Or are they over?

Jesus, Help!

Post 72


Okay - I started another guide entry, which will simplistically (using only Luke because that's my favourite) relate the story of Jesus, and maybe give a little cultural historical context on the time and place in which he lived, perhaps summarize places where the common images of the nativity or the sad-eyed iconic depiction most of us know come from.

I'll keep going on the other one, since it really isn't fair to present one holistic-sounding story when the gospels are so divergent, but only if you all think there's a chance for it to be edited. Otherwise - to the scrap heap it goes... I don't think the classic Jesus story and any discussion of the gospels should be together in one entry, since there is no one good representation of Jesus when talking about the gospels, and if I tell his story according to one, then I’m confounding my piece from the start.

Thanks for all the input.smiley - cheers I'll get the edits from Gnomon made shortly, and finish up with Matthew and Luke. Is it (the old one) even worth putting into peer review?

Jesus, Help!

Post 73

Gnomon - time to move on

It will sail through Peer Review, as it is excellent.

Jesus, Help!

Post 74

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

From my point of view, yes smiley - smiley

And please, post links to the others when you're ready. You have the attention of your own proof-readers heresmiley - biggrin

Jesus, Help!

Post 75


I think it's a fine entry! smiley - ok
Finals is not yet an issue, though I've just realized that I've got 3 term papers due in 10 days, so I might not get my entry done as soon as I thought. smiley - erm
Will try though.

Jesus, Help!

Post 76

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - yikes
Take your time, RL matters more.
smiley - hug

Jesus, Help!

Post 77


===smiley - run
Yeah, but non-mandatory things are so much more fun.
===smiley - run

Jesus, Moses, and Heaven?

Post 78


I was browsing the threads and noticed a challenge for Heaven. Now, given the blessed topic of this thread, I thought maybe someone here could give Heaven a shot. Anyone come up with something in their research? (I'd be glad to help, but don't want to comit to an entire entry on the subject). http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F150575?thread=2378563&skip=0&show=20

Jesus, Moses, and Heaven?

Post 79

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

There's a really simple way of posting internal links:

smiley - biggrin

I think the idea of Heaven is something personal to everyone, I can imagine the riot in Peer Review smiley - yikes

That's a "No", sorry

Jesus, Moses, and Heaven?

Post 80


Well, someone managed to get one through about h#ll. that entry could be used as a blueprint for one on heaven.
Tempting. I'll put it in line behind my termpapers and an entry on astrology. smiley - ok

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