A Conversation for The springtime of my death.

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I read this first a few weeks ago. You see, I was trying to get to know the personalities I would be working hand in hand with in my endeavers.

Oh how tempting was the submit for review button, beckoning me to take matters to hand and bring a thing of beauty into the light.

I see its been once, but have you considered that timing may have had a part to play in it's reception. I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that it wasn't for lack of true sentiment, for it fairly drips with heartfelt emotion.

Then again, I put a lot of stock into such things. It's what drives each and everyone of us, gives us purpose and a reason for continuing the journey that is life. I see it here, a remembrance of the start, from whence all that is blossomed, the love and tenderness of those memories glowing with such intensity.

And so it is. I've said what I felt needed saying, and will leave it as that. It's yours to do with as you will, but thank you for it all the same.smiley - rose

Spynxxxsmiley - fullmoon

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