A Conversation for A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Writing Workshop: A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 1


Entry: A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English - A1286282
Author: XiaoMuu - U227517

Honest constructive criticism will be appreciated. Thank you.

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 2


Hi there XiaoMuu, smiley - smiley

sorry to see you haven't gleaned any comments on this interesting entry up til now. smiley - sadface

It's a neat little resumé of the history of the English language - with the almost inevitable drawback of not looking more closely at specific events or periods. I think you cover the ground well, though. smiley - ok

One specific point for you:

"Anglo-Norman became the language of the aristocracy and the government,"

- Is 'Anglo-Norman' usually applied to the language? I'd have thought something like 'Norman French' would be the term for the language that was imposed by the first wave of Norman overlords - perhaps developing into something that might be called 'Anglo-Norman' over the next 200 years or so before, as you rightly point out, 'English' English made a comeback with the rise of the English-speaking laboring and merchant classes post-BD.

A minor quibble, at worst. smiley - smiley

So, still planning on sending this through PR?

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 3


Hello XiaoMuu, (I know Xiao means little but what does Muu mean?)

I liked this entry, though I would find it easier to read if it had a couple of sub headers. Other than that this is a good job! I hope that you're still planning on submitting it to Peer Review.

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 4


Author has elvised - flea market?

smiley - panda

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 5

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 6


All those added to the e-mail I'm writing... I'll get through the WW backlog eventually, even if it takes me all year!

smiley - panda

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

It probably will knowing how many there are smiley - yikes

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 8


Slow and steady wins the race, at a few a day I'll get there smiley - smiley Now it's just down to the italics to actually get them moved...

smiley - panda

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 9

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Be drawing my pension by then smiley - winkeye

A1286282 - A Brief Essay on the History of Standard Written English

Post 10


smiley - space
i think this entry is very interesting.

i would be willing to take it on but i think maybe... wouldn't it be more fitting for an Englander to do it?

and... i dunno... i have been told i don't write proper English... smiley - biggrin

but, hey, maybe someone will notice this entry now and fix it up and get it edited?

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