A Conversation for Atheism (a.k.a. the easiest way to start an argument)


Post 1


religion has always been a form of control - i am not a christian or claim to anyform of religion -- but in my atheistic mind i see a flaw.
whos to say that a super being (only portraying we r a spec of dust) wasnt in a conflict of another super being, and a branch of that being
by chance(atheis is belief of chance) piece of its life flourished here, and evolved to now modern day living. wouldnt that make him god, to us. NO! he doesnt watch over us we decide our own decisions and use or actions to creat more actions or reactions. but existence may infinitly go to a direction(super being has greater super being and so and so) now religion especially christianity and muslims have disobeyed their own laws to kill another man in the sake of their cause. they use god, heaven and religion to control mass number of simple thinking people (if a huge wrestler(MONSTER) had no purpose he would be dangerous). because of religion people under control who desire guidance are leaded in the direction of good(yin). so saying religion was necessary to control the masses (the simple thinking minds) from completely destroying themselves and us.

listen atheism is not necessary to explain ur disbelief in religion, it's there it works and we are aware of questioning everything.
but when scientist use chemicals for the brain, they dont KNOW the brain, they test the brain against different chemicals to solve which ever problems occur (headache mdeicine). done explaining contact me when you get the chance at("Deifi87.aol.com") it's reallythe AIM program so a get aim if u havent already. cya

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