Atheism (a.k.a. the easiest way to start an argument)

4 Conversations

I had a rather interesting conversation this week with a quite devoted Christian. I myself am a complete atheist, believing that placing responsibility for the creation of the universe upon a deity is an attempt to comprehend the situation by attributing our limited logic to something far greater. This however is flawed in that it would be far more complex for a being to create such a thing by virtue of the fact that this would mean that the deity itself were created by, perhaps, a greater deity. So why do people believe in Gods? I believe that the oppressive nature of religion is to blame for this seemingly absurd notion. Scientifically, beliefs such as the earth being the center of the universe have been rejected because they have been disproved. This scientific method cannot however be applied to research into the existence of a deity, but one should still question ones beliefs on a regular basis. Questioning, however, would appear to be the eighth mortal sin in Christianity. It asks for no less than total unquestioning devotion, or thou shalt burn in the fires of hell! It is this narrow attitude, I believe, that has caused Christianity to fall in popularity over the years and it simply must look at itself carefully to rectify this flaw in it's teachings. Now, don't get me wrong, I was raised a Christian and find that the teachings contain some truly sound life philosophies. I do not feel, though, that religion in any guise can claim to be the utmost authority on life, the universe and everything on the basis of pure speculation and 'bullying' of it's followers.

I would love to hear comments, arguments or abuse from anybody who has managed to stay awake while reading this!

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