A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Tango Started conversation May 10, 1999
How can you get a user page reconsidered after you edit it?
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Jim Lynn Posted May 11, 1999
Unless it's already been rejected, if the page is still marked as submitted then chances are the editor will see the new page.
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Tango Posted May 11, 1999
What about is it has been rejected?
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Jim Lynn Posted May 11, 1999
If it has been rejected, then you have to re-submit it for rejection, just as if you had only just created it. Once a page is rejected, it goes back to being one of your own pages (still viewable and searchable by other people, just not an official entry).
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Tango Posted May 11, 1999
That hasn't happened, it still says it is submited! Why?
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Deek Posted May 14, 1999
I too would like to get one of the much sought after 'rejections'. It would be really great if I knew what one looked like, but I wouldn't know one if it hit me in the face with a wet haddock. No doubt I have that pleasure to come.
At the moment four pages are at the 'submitted' point, two of them over a week ago. Am I doing something wrong or is everyone still out to lunch? Also, I like to edit/spindle/mutilate my articles before submission which involves quite a long gestation period, two or three days, why does the edit page go into terminal lock up if I enter into it more than once in one session/
This usually involves having to disconnect/reconnect. Thanx.
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Caleb Posted May 17, 1999
Your problem is just one of an unreliable connection (or IE4-see front page). As for rejection, welllll...wait. Mine STILL haven't come through yet.
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Deek Posted May 17, 1999
Good God, I got a reply!! and all the way from the USA too, and I thought I was talking to myself.. Thanks very much for the advice, but you do realise that you've completely ruined my impressive 100% list of 'no replies'
And now for something completely different: POSH. It comes from the days when India was part of the British Empire. The more affluent/lwell heeled/upper classes travelled to and from by boat to do their stints there. They would reserve their accomodation on the shady/cooler side of the boat and so travel more comfortably, hence Port Outward, Starboard Home.
Geddit ??
How do you get a user page reconsidered
Caleb Posted May 17, 1999
That should be a Guide entry. Write it up, and see what happens.
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How do you get a user page reconsidered
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