A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak Posted Jul 15, 1999
Squarepusher: total loony from the Warp / Rephlex stable musically a bit like if you would throw Aphex Twin, Flea, Max Roach and load of Drum and Bass records in a blender and made a musicalmilkshake. Basically Jungle meets Aphextwin fith jazz and fun(k).
As for Mike Paradinas he is at least as disturbed as RDJames and they also collaborated on the faboulously loony album "expert knob twiddlers" which they released under the name Mike and Rich.
That's about it.
Ambient poetry
Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak Posted Jul 15, 1999
How about this one:
* * *+ ++
# * * -- *
............. ... ..""""""
Recognise that one?
Ambient poetry
The man in the shack Posted Jul 15, 1999
You've got me there, I must admit i'm totally flummoxed!
Intersting the way the different time signatures all converge at the end. Yes, very clever that. And was that a tangerine dream sample in the intro?
Ambient poetry
Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak Posted Jul 16, 1999
Nope, fooled you there didn't I?
It was of course the bootleg version of "Morning Star" by Robert Fripp and Brian Eno. It's a real collectors item because on this version Fripp plays the synths and Eno plays guitar. That's probably why you didn't recognise it.
Ambient poetry
The man in the shack Posted Jul 16, 1999
Well Fripp's guitar playing DOES sound alot like synth. That's where I was going wrong. Fripp kicks ass, Eno walks on water, King crimson rools!!
Ambient poetry
Sergeant Pluck Posted Jul 17, 1999
I find the Frippertronics the most difficult stuff to emulate in text form. Can we go multimedia in this ambient dream interchange?
Her's an airport poem:
t s
r noyzi
Ambient poetry
The man in the shack Posted Jul 17, 1999
Seamus Heaney at his finest there, taken from his multi-media collaboration with German post-industrial goth maveriks, Einsturzende Neubauten.
Ambient poetry
Sergeant Pluck Posted Jul 19, 1999
Time to raise my glass to you! Full of Philip, naturally, and his 1001 carpet cleaners at Gatwick.
And now, I feel, the time has come to bifurcate. This thread is getting too long to download.
Until we meet again, fellow ambient travellers, in another of these spacious rooms....
Pluck bows out, slackening his second string.
Ambient poetry
vegiman:-) Posted Aug 8, 1999
Sorry, but I am what is known as spamming. Posting a message on as many forums as possible I.E.
Hey something is going on at:
Join in on the FUN RUN and excersise your brain, you don't even have to leave your seat.
I Would Appreciate Everybody spreading the word around.
There are two entries on poetry. Find out where the blanks & *(0(& go.
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak (Jul 15, 1999)
- 42: Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak (Jul 15, 1999)
- 43: The man in the shack (Jul 15, 1999)
- 44: Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak (Jul 16, 1999)
- 45: The man in the shack (Jul 16, 1999)
- 46: Sergeant Pluck (Jul 17, 1999)
- 47: The man in the shack (Jul 17, 1999)
- 48: Sergeant Pluck (Jul 19, 1999)
- 49: vegiman:-) (Aug 8, 1999)
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