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Ambient poetry

Post 1

The man in the shack

I thought you'd all like to hear my latest and greatest ambient poem.

Here goes.....

Great isn't it?????
I'm thinking of putting my collected works together, spanning nine volumes so far.

Ambient poetry

Post 2

Sergeant Pluck

Not bad, but could we have some ambient lighting, changing subtly but sensually in time with the rhythm of your poem?

Ambient poetry

Post 3

Sergeant Pluck

Apologies, I realise now the lighting is already there - I missed its subtlety, so engrossed was I in the ineffable lyric of the work.
More, please.

Ambient poetry

Post 4

The man in the shack

sure thing serg...I particularly like the cadence and the metaphysical imagery of this little piece....


......doesn't that just say it all??? It's called "Ripples in a lily choked pond".

Ambient poetry

Post 5

The man in the shack

....sorry, I made a spelling mistake. Here it is again...


....in all it's glory.

Ambient poetry

Post 6

Sergeant Pluck

What can I say, but that I'm at least as choked as the pond after those experiences.
But I wouldn't have been pedantic about the speeling.

Ambient poetry

Post 7

The man in the shack

Spilling mistakes are the bone of my life.

Ambient poetry

Post 8

Sergeant Pluck

As I never make spooling moskates, I now feel confident enough to attempt my first ambient poem composition.
Here it is...



i i i i


I know it's a bit short, but I like the rhyme, though I'm not sure of the rhythm. Would you care to be critical (in the most constructive way, please)?

Ambient poetry

Post 9

The man in the shack

A latter day classic of the genre, it echoes subtly through an atonal landscape and yet is brutal in it's clarity. Punctuated by a series of otherworldly alliterative devices, this great work has the power to both warm the heart and freeze the soul, like a delicately crafted snowflake.

As for the spooling wistakes, thise uuaslly ocur efter ahv hed a phew...bat ahm nut as thunk as drinkle peep i am...

Ambient poetry

Post 10

Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak

Hey, I saw an Ambient version of the bible at my local bookstore today!

Ambient poetry

Post 11

The man in the shack

Yeah I know that one. In my opinion, this edition of the great book conveys the christian teachings in their truest, purest form.

Ambient poetry

Post 12

The man in the shack

Another good work to check out is "10000 years of human culture compressed into a 6" by 4" brick".

Ambient poetry

Post 13

Sergeant Pluck

And if we might diversfy into ambient music, ther's the classic Jean-Michel JamJar's "waiting for custard" (original title "en attendant moutarde" denoting a slightly hotter and creamier version) - on 365 CDs (though soon to be re-released as a 5k MP3 file, I've heard)

Ambient poetry

Post 14

The man in the shack

...Aahhh yes, his magnum opus....sonic cathedrals....sublime soundscapes....there's a guy who really knows how to raise his modulation frequency at the twiddle of a knob.

Ambient poetry

Post 15

Deems Whi Khragh Kal Winignak

Also available soon: Jeffrey Archer's entire oevre ( that's french for egg isn't it? ) on the back of a stamp.

Ambient poetry

Post 16


Thanks for the invite: The man in the shack

I must admit I have never seen such a large collection of Bull**** dressed so delicately in such a psychedelic form that could cause such euphoria. The creation of such intense and distorted perceptions. It reminds me of the symphony of 4 minutes silence which was released in the 70's on the old 45 record. This allowed the listener to enjoy the piece in peace and tranquility that only silence can give, especially if played in a public house.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Ambient poetry

Post 17

Sergeant Pluck

Would that be scrambled oeuvre? Or if it was "borrowed" from another source, poached oeuvre?
I don't remember hearing of a Geoffrey in the Archers.

Ambient poetry

Post 18

Sergeant Pluck

Euphoria, mephorthere... I'm sure it's all just a matter of taste in the end. Or would that be distaste in the end? smiley - sadface

Ambient poetry

Post 19

The man in the shack

Half-baked oeuvres, left to go cold, then fed to the sheep, I should say. You must remember Geoffrey, the corrupt mayor of Ambridge. He was involved in the powdered sheep brains fiasco and had his hands in the pockets of all the farmers for a good few years. He was eventually lynched, hanged at the cross-roads and can still be found there, gibbet bound, to this day, providing sustenance to carrion feeders from many miles around.

Ambient poetry

Post 20

The man in the shack

Just to clarify, is this a critique of this conversation, or of ambient media in general?

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