A Conversation for Field Critic


Post 21


Hi Vegiman smiley - smiley

Thanks for that, I have updated my page with the links!

Cheers Jax


Post 22


OK I think I've managed to do that.


Post 23

Ginger The Feisty

Vegiman's computer is sick so I'm standing in for him. Can you add this link to your home pages? It points to the start of the critique fun run and will help us get others involved. Ta

Something interesting is happening on h2g2 which may help clear the backlog of articles and keep it clear. If you want to help in advising some volunteers by critiquing one of their articles then join in the
Field Critique Fun Run.


Post 24

Ginger The Feisty

Bugger I'm crap at typing!
Try this instead

Something interesting is happening on h2g2 which may help clear the backlog of articles and keep it clear. If you want to help in advising some volunteers by critiquing one of their articles then join in the
Field Critique Fun Run.


Post 25


I've done this as well smiley - smiley God I am such a swot. What do I do now?


Post 26

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

And me - but I feel something is wrong with the entry on my home page - Maybe I need help?


Post 27

Ginger The Feisty

Now you just wait for the critiques to start rolling in. You can keep checking your page to see if anyone has written anything but apart from that we are pretty inactive in this fun run. Looney - Dancing Tree had a problem and it was because he uses an applemac - are you a mac user?


Post 28

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

N0 - alcoholic


Post 29

Ginger The Feisty

I've just checked and it seems fine now so you must have sobered up!


Post 30


OK, I've put the new link in too. I'm quite impressed with myself really as it's been about 2 or 3 years since I did anything with html.

And just to let you all know, I'm off on holiday from tommorrow. I've taken the comments already made about my page and will try to include the suggestions for when I get back.



Post 31

Ginger The Feisty

We are still waiting for Sparrowhawk to add his link and until he does the thing can't start in earnest! Has anyone seen him? If you do tell him to get a move on!


Post 32


Thanks Guys & Gals, and a apecial thanks to Ginger, who has done a great job whilst my computer got better with all the happy pills which were pumped into it.

Now that it has started we need to give an extra push. Please mention the Fun Run whenever you can when talking on various forums.

I leave it up to you how you do this, I shall be putting something like this:

Hey something is going on at:
Join in on the FUN RUN and excersise your brain, you don't even have to leave your seat.

Sparrow Hawk, if you are out there - please put the links on your page. I would be one where the links got a bit messed up.

vegimansmiley - smiley


Post 33

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The tension mounts, the fingernails are bitten, can it be.......

Stll Waiting

Post 34


Go to it looney in the pink - spread the word.
Stll waiting for Sparrow Hawk.
vegimansmiley - smiley

Stll Waiting

Post 35

Sparrow Hawk

Okay, I'm here, but I've got a question...

If we've submitted the page for rejection already, wouldn't adding the link and banner thingy insure that it won't get accepted?

Not that there is anything wrong with it, it just isn't something that needs to appear on an already accepted entry..

True the chances are slim that any page will get accepted within a reasonable amount of time, but why kill the hope?

Or is this project only for those pages which we are still waiting to send for rejection?

Sorry if I seem like a spoiled sport or something, but it just seems like it would be better to have the graphic on our "MyHome" pages, and on the page that lists the different pages participating.

It's just a thought.. If no one agrees with me I'll put the link up anyway.

Stll Waiting

Post 36


Take my word for it the powers that be are watching this little excersise with interest. They will (most likely) also learn from our mistakes. They are not likely to accept any page from the fun run until it is completed. In the unlikely event of it being accepted before this time, they would remove the logo (They Have The Power)

For now it is up to you how you respond to reviews and upgrade your page whenever you feel you agree with the remarks given. If you do re-write or change your page: enter in the rating forum the date you did so, as Ginger did.

I left a message on your page about changing the links on your home page. or use the advert that Ginger made up for all to use.

Spread the word as much as you can to people you talk to on h2g2. The more who know about it the more reviews you will get.

Thanks vegimansmiley - smiley

Stll Waiting

Post 37

The Dancing Tree

As far as I am aware the editorial team know about this project. However, somthing that might be helpful in future, should you expand this scheme, would be adding comments tags before and after the banner stuff ie:

<!-- Critique Fun Run HTML. Erase this section if edited -->
Critique fun run
<!-- end of section to erase -->

Stll Waiting

Post 38

The Dancing Tree

>If we've submitted the page for rejection already, wouldn't adding >the link and banner thingy insure that it won't get accepted?

No, quite the opposite. The Critique Fun Run simply gives us some alternative opinion that may help decide whether or not to accept an entry. This is particularly handy in those cases where an editor is at a sort of 50/50 decision and can't make up their mind.

At least that's my opinion - obviously I can't speak for the others!!

Stll Waiting

Post 39

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Just a question? How are the southern hemisphere participants going to participate in the drinks thing at the end of all this?

Stll Waiting

Post 40

Sparrow Hawk

Thanks ya'll, I've got it up now.

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