A Conversation for Jedi Academy: Coruscant

Galactic Senate

Post 341

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Galactic Senate

Post 342

Secretly Not Here Any More

Galactic Senate

Post 343

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Galactic Senate

Post 344

Secretly Not Here Any More

*Annat enters and takes up a position in the public gallery*

Galactic Senate

Post 345


*a few senators enter*

Galactic Senate

Post 346

Secretly Not Here Any More


Galactic Senate

Post 347

Secretly Not Here Any More

*Annat watches as more Senators filter into the Senate*

Galactic Senate

Post 348


*more Senators enter followed by Kellin and a Ofmag*

Galactic Senate

Post 349

Secretly Not Here Any More

*Corellian Senator enters*

Galactic Senate

Post 350


*The mumbling of various senators echo around the building*

Galactic Senate

Post 351

Secretly Not Here Any More

*Annat watches intently*

Galactic Senate

Post 352


*Kellin gets tired of waiting for the place to quiet*

KELLIN: WAR! *the place falls silent* is something we can not afford.

In terms or arms, yes, but with regard to morality, no...

Galactic Senate

Post 353

Secretly Not Here Any More

*the Senators fall silent*

*Annat focuses, trying to gauge the opinion of the Senators*

Galactic Senate

Post 354


*kellin smiles to himself at the quizical looks on his companions' faces*

*turns to Annat*

Master Jedi?

Galactic Senate

Post 355

Secretly Not Here Any More

*hops onto a disc and traverses into the middle of the Senate*

*clears throat*

Representatives of the planets of the Republic, I bring before you proof of aggressive actions by the clone armies of the planet Kamino against the Republic and its citizens...

Galactic Senate

Post 356


*various intakes of breath*

Galactic Senate

Post 357

Secretly Not Here Any More

*datapad data is displayed on a holoscreen*

As you can see, a patrol of one thousand clonetroops led by the 'Ambassador' Ma'rol Mannen landed on Ryloth a little over a week ago. These troopers were repulsed by a force of Jedi, at the cost of Jedi Knight Anoon Br'kil who was forced into accompanying the Ambassador to his warfleet, along with her infant son.

Galactic Senate

Post 358


MALASTARE: [This is outragious!]

Galactic Senate

Post 359

Secretly Not Here Any More


But true. Shown here are technical specifications of the weaponry and armour used by Kaminoan forces. As you notice, in this case no insignia is used. This could mean Kamino plans for a series of covert strikes against the Republic and/or the Jedi Order.

Galactic Senate

Post 360


RODIA:[The Jedi Order is not our priority!]

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