A Conversation for Smudger Snippets

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 1


One should only do third world countries when either totally and hopelessly in love with your travelling companion or five star and plastic! Nice one Smudger and I thought your poem was very special btw...hopelessly in love and no plastic to bail you out...
take care

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

You know I like this one smudgersmiley - winkeye

Hi useless hound *waves* nice to see you out and aboutsmiley - smiley
smiley - disco

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 3


Hi Abi! boots waves back. Have just dropped the offsprung off at station (going on hols) They missed train, they will probably miss plane as well...hey ho!
take care

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Does that mean you'll have a bit off a holiday too once you know they are safe?
smiley - disco

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 5


No holidays been and gone smiley - wah. Pretty grim few months ahead and I do hate winter so...rats! Lots of hard work ahead and now find I shall have to delay future TEAFL plans until the spring. One has had better hands dealt but then no one said this gig called life was an easy one. To top it all had my favourite Jacket pinched the other night...the one Ravager bought me last Christmas...life can be a real arse sometimes! How are things with you me dear?
take care

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 6


Hi Abbi & Useless Hound,smiley - sorry I never got back in touch with you! Ive only just noticed your posts! never knew that story was going in smiley - thepost So smiley - ta for your comments, its always nice to get some feed back, espaecially from friends!smiley - oksmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 7


Good to see you finally found time to reply to your fan mail smiley - biggrin seriously upset that you have a RL that is more interesting than hootoo. What takes you to these rat infested locations I have to ask? Money or a passionate day job? I do so hope it is the latter smiley - laugh.
take care and keep the fan club informed.

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 8

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Wow your coat stolen !smiley - cross
That is most unfortunate being a smiley - gift toosmiley - sadface
So sorry.

"future TEAFL plans" >> what is that boots?
smiley - disco

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 9


Hi Abbi.
Yes pants about the jacket but good lesson. Don't attempt to get blotto locally. everyone knows who you are and if you lose your jacket you know it was a neighbour wot nicked it...not nice. TEAFL thing bit of a bummer. Have already delayed it once due to staff geting married, Now have to put it on hold again due to sorting out the whole 'what is happening to company?' game. BUT have finally resolved it IS what I want to do for the future so can, reluctantly, take the rain check and watch the short term future board game take its course. Think I also have to take on board a couple more losses/deaths before the year is over and they...the dying, need my time right now more than I need to move on. Not nice this year but really special these friends and Ravager would want me to take care of them.
take care

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 10

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Bless your heart, you must have a big one!

If the load gets too much I have dumping grounds available and big floppy ears for listening.

Seems to me you are no wimp girl!
Even rock can crumble.
I know, I am still a fair size rockhead myselfsmiley - winkeye
Of course you're not a rock , so remember that toosmiley - loveand take care with yourself smiley - hug
smiley - disco

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 11


Big heart? No chance, merely in perfect proportion with my big head, big feet and big mouth! And... you do get far more back than you give so actually pretty selfish to boot!
The TEAFL course (sorry I misread the question) Teaching English as a foreign language. I think I will enjoy it and hope I will make not too bad a teacher but must smiley - run I have a professor on another link who has pointed out that I am in fact grammatically dyslectic...how smiley - cool a teacher for boots!!!
take care

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 12


Hi Abbi & Useless Hound, Like I said smiley - sorry for not answering earlier! but I honestly did not knowsmiley - erm Hope Im forgivensmiley - hug The reason I went to all these arm pit areas was just work Im afraid!smiley - erm due to the fact that there was no work here in the UK at the timesmiley - wah
smiley - sorry to hear about your coat, jacket! I lost mine as well, it was nicked from inside my case at Moscow airportsmiley - wah
They actually cut round the zip with a razor and nicked itsmiley - erm
C U all L8trsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 13


OK Smudger on the old place name dropping game eh? Let's think derrrr...can't. Have I ever had something stolen from anywhere exotic? Have I ever been to anywhere exotic? Does Staines count? smiley - winkeye
take care
boots the unwashed or should that be untravelled?

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 14


OOPS! Useless Hound, I never realised that I "name dropped" theresmiley - laughhope it doesnt get me into boversmiley - ok I will go and sit in the corner till break time nowsmiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
Any where away from home is "Exotic"smiley - oksmiley - laughsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 15

Post Team

Smudger - you should always know when one of your pieces has appeared in The Post because it will appear on your own space under the 'Guide Entries' section (either as Smudger Snippets or The h2g2 Poem).

Then, just drop over to the article - don't worry if the Post Duck is still on patrol - and click the 'subscribe' button. That way you will always know if anyone has commented. smiley - ok

I am here now because The Post Team always subscribe to all items which appear in <./>ThePost</.> smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

A Smudge on the lost horizon

Post 16


HI Shazz, Nice to hear from you again, I never went into check thinking smiley - thepost was on holiday?smiley - erm So its my own fault reallysmiley - ok. How sre things with you these days? I see smiley - thepost is increasing in size with more topics, which is good! Take care, hope to hear from you againsmiley - cheerssmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

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