A Conversation for Roman Roads and Bridges

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 41


That's nice, especially if you now make your headers "official" by using guideML. Then it would really start to look like an EG entry.

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 42

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

I would try the whole "A" address, Test whatever idea except that i am somewhat of a computer klutz andi have no idea what you're talking about........

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 43


under the page "contribute to the guide" (the button at the top) you can find links on how to format entries by using guideML. You should really look into it.


A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 44

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

When you look at any entry on line there should be a text box, probably near the top of your screen that will start with

http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/ whaterver skin you are using /A12345

The last bit is the entry (article) number if you replace the A with TEST you can see the formatting codes along with the article.

the codes all start with you type your text

will end to code.
each command ( whatever ) must be closed by the same and except for guide and body should look like the above

instead of WHATER type

P for a paragraph

HEADER for a subject header

SUBHEADER for a smaller header type

These let you entry fit itself to any computer who can access the site in spite of brand of monitor type.

two more points

1. Make sure the "Guide ML" is selected below your entry
2. ALWAYS use the preview option befor updating your entry

If there is an error, which I get too, it means you have a typo in one of the WHATEVERs and there will be a message in red to tell you what it is.

The guide ML ignores blank lines and the enter button, so if you don't use the text it will all be back to one big jumble.

If this is too much Don't Panic the subs will do it after your entry is selected.

smiley - shark

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 45


When perfecting an entry in PR guide ML is one of the least important things. It's easy for a sub editor to add guide ML, but it takes a long time to correct bad guide ML. So please don't worry about it!

Concentrate on getting the content right, which is looking pretty good smiley - biggrin

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 46

Gnomon - time to move on

I agree with Z. If you are self-confessed computer klutz, now is not the time to be learning GuideML. The sub-editor will put that it. You concentrate on getting the content right.

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 47

Gnomon - time to move on

This is now looking very good, but I think the headings are now too long, and they all seem to have 'roads and bridges' in them. You really don't need to repeat this phrase, since the entry is about roads and bridge. For example, you have 'Why the Roads and Bridges were built'. You could replace this with 'Purpose'.

There are two misprints that I spotted:

whomever was in charge -- should be 'whoever'

dagree should be degree

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 48

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Wow!! Thanks everyone!!!! smiley - smiley I guees I can try that ML thing, it can't hurt as long as i preview it before i update.

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 49


smiley - erm Guide ML is easy if you know Html, if you don't it might be worth saving the plain text of your entry to a file on you computer - note pad is the best format to save this sort of files in!

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 50

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

I've made a few minor changes (the sub headers and typos), and I tried to change it to guide ML but I chickened out........

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 51

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

If you really want to play with guide ml just enter an entry to play with and mark it "not for review" it will be on your personal space and you can just try things until it works. When you are satisfied you can change the title and do another entry. You are probably better off not to mess with something as good as this. Good luck

smiley - shark

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 52

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Thanks Florida Sailor, I'll probably try that!

I'm curious, what is the chance of this actually getting into the EG?

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 53

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

The Scouts can answer better than I, but I think your on the right path.

smiley - shark

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 54

Number Six

Pretty good, I'd say. smiley - ok

smiley - mod

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 55

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Thanks! smiley - smiley


Post 56

Number Six

This post has been removed.

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 57

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd say it is extremely likely that this will be picked. I am not a scout, and I don't have any inside knowledge. I'm just going on the content of the entry compared with what else is in Peer Review at the moment.

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 58

Number Six

Exactly what Gnomon said... if it's in Peer Review and it's any good (a hell of a lot of stuff gets submitted here that isn't suitable, or just isn't up to scratch) then it will almost certainly get picked.

This is in Peer Review and it is up to scratch, so... smiley - ok

smiley - mod

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 59

Gnomon - time to move on

The new simplified headers look good.smiley - ok

A1159760 - Roman Roads and Bridges

Post 60


As the Editors are off h2g2 for the next ten days or so ( F77636?thread=314903 ), it'll probably take a while before your entry is completely processed though.
But don't panic! It's a good entry, and eventually it'll get there. smiley - cheers

~Bistro smiley - orangefish

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