A Conversation for Committee Hack

Great work

Post 1


Great work!
At least I think so, I´m not a freecking Oxford professor.
I got one on my neck when I launched something into peer review.

Are you a hacker yourself?
If you are I would probobly be vice not to say anything bad about your work.........

I love the way you write the word hack, your really good at it......Oh what am I doing?
Pretty please don´t attack my kute little Pc, it´s got enough problems on it´s mind like: "Should I load this program right away, or shood I wait a little bit until I feel like it. I think I´ll pick the last one" or "Should I be allowed to have coffey brakes".

Cheerssmiley - cheers

Great work

Post 2

Bradley Dean

It could be said that I have tendency to end up on committees, yes... smiley - smiley

Great work

Post 3


Yeah, I think I don´t want to get on the wrong side of your moode!

Cheers matesmiley - cheers, have a hacking day!

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