A Conversation for Committee Hack

Peer Review: A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 1

Bradley Dean

Entry: Committee Hack - A1155269
Author: Brad the Alto - U197780

Once again an off-shoot from my 'seed' article A1155313, this article now describes an element of the Australian intervarsity community - though it is applicable to other communities so is written in somewhat more general terms.

A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 2

Sea Change

This article is a nice short overview, but is missing some salient details. I've done some volunteering, so I have a few insights to add:

Most Hacks want to think of themselves as "nice people". This is their overreaching goal, more important than any particular good that they are doing.

Burn-out should be mentioned. This is when the impossibility of completing all promised tasks strikes the Hack physically or mentally ill.

Hacks who are in it wholly for the power and not to do good. These kind will promise anything, and will volunteer for everything, and join lots of boards. They will be taken at their word and be appointed because true Hacks are hoping to avoid burn out, or have their organization look as if people actually care. There is a pernicious subset of this kind of Hack that always votes 'no' unless bribed.

Hacks who are everywhere, but only as warm bodies with their butts in seats. Typically, they're around only because the girlfriend or trust fund or rich auntie insists on their votes.

A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 3

Bradley Dean

These are all good points, I'll integrate them into the article.

A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 4


Oh committee hacks, the reason why I can't be bothered getting involved in student polictics, for some reason the National Union of Students attracts an especially vile sort of committee hack the sort that wants to become a Labour MP, the last four presidents are now in parilement. And does all this help students? no because they don't want to cause a fuss, orgainsing an effective campain because it will ruin their carreers.

anyway good artilce well done smiley - biggrin

A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 5


Just a few typos to mention:

Theres a few times that you wrote 'roll' instead of 'role'.

In the last paragraph of 'For the Good or the Power', you wrote "...matters a likely to resolve...". I'm guess it should be 'are' rather than 'a'.

Lastly, the final paragraph seems to be missing a few words, too.

Other than that, I like this. Nicely done.


A1155269 - Committee Hack

Post 6

Bradley Dean

Thanks for those - adjusted a few closing comments and fixed those spelling errors (and a few other ones just for good measure).

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Post 7

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Post 8


Well done! smiley - bubbly


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 9

Sea Change

Wow! Approved in no time flat-good on you, Brad!smiley - biggrin

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 10

Bradley Dean

Thanks folks!

Well, time to start thinking about another couple of articles I suspect. smiley - smiley

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