A Conversation for TALE OF THE CAPE #1

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 1


I think the header speaks for itself.

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 2


Erm you came up with basic idea in the Kisgart convo and I said you would be acknowledged.

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 3


Yeah, but I didn't *write* it. A simple 'thanks to Awix for help and advice' at the end would have sufficed, as it currently stands anyone reading it would think I actually did some of the writing, which I didn't. The words are yours: I shouldn't be credited for this. Please fix it.

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 4


that's your subtle way of saying it's crap is it?

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 5


By the by... could reply to the Q. in the Kisgart convo please?

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 6


Have done so.

It's *not* crap, there's the basis of a good idea in there, it just needs a bit of work. I would have said exactly the same if you'd posted, I don't know, The Great Gatsby of our time with my name on it... I don't want my name on anything I haven't done the words for myself, it's simply not fair to either of us.

Why the **** is my name on this?

Post 7


You could just no and that you don't want acknowledgement!

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