A Conversation for Cliff Jumping

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 1

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

Entry: Cliff Jumping - A1154053
Author: Tobemory - U237090

Unless you find yourself winning a substantial amount of bets, don't choose the wrong way

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 2


Jumping off a Cliff!? Are you nuts? Why would I want to jump off a 300 foot cliff when I can jump out of a 3,000 foot airplane? smiley - winkeye

smiley - towel

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Are you looking for other Researchers to help you with this entry Tobermory? I ask because you've submitted it to the Collaborative Writing Workshop, which is where authors go when they want other Researchers to contribute to an entry smiley - smiley

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 4

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

As a matter of fact I am looking for help with my entry. It is my first entry and I was wondering what could make it better.

p.s. I only said 30ft cliffs, even I'm not crazy enough to jump from a 300ft cliff, the water would be like concrete!

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 5


I've jumped off a cliff before- about 30 ft at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. All I remember is that there was a long line in front of people who were scared to.

Looks like a solid start.

smiley - blacksheep

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 6

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

Jumps where there are lots of people doing it are good for beginners, but there's mothing better than finding a 50ft cliff all to yourself. That added bit of danger gives you a rush like no other.

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 7


Oh, and one tip I've heard over and over is to jump AWAY from the rock. A lot of people just step over, I guess smiley - erm

smiley - blacksheep

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 8


I don't think danger is the best element to introduce to a beginner smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 9

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

All good points

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 10

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

Please carry on saying things that I might have forgotten, as it can only make my final piece better.

How do you make those orange headings?

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 11


You have to change it to GuideML format. See <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>

The tag is This is the Header when your GuideML is up.

smiley - blacksheep

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 12

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

OK now the layout's better, I got the hang of GuideML relatively quickly. Any comments on the content? I'm open to suggestions, this being my first entry.

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 13


"The Wrong Way

The wrong way involves walking to a cliff edge, and jumping off."

And falling off maybe? Jumping is the whole point smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

A1154053 - Cliff Jumping

Post 14

Tobemory - give way to oncoming vehicles

It was a joke. I guess if I have to point that out I should cut it out all together. Ah well, I've improved it now, so there's a new discussion board.

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