A Conversation for "Dubbya's" Non-Jokes
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tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) Started conversation Aug 21, 2003
Though I had to post as Paul Shaffter (prostetic T) annoys me too! The most criminal thing about a criminal movie (blues bros 2000) was casting him . Still if we are on the subject of tv show bandleaders being idiots I have an album where GE smith takes on Buddy Guy in a guitar duel. Obviously he looses!
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MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Aug 21, 2003
Well he is Buddy Guy after all! Those than can, do, those that can't boss around those that can! (or something like that!)
Blues Brothers (2000) was crap and criminal in many ways, but it does include a song from Blues Traveler including my favourite harp player of all time the Mighty John Popper! I may be the only Australian who knows that Blues Traveler exist! (With the exception of the song "runaround" from thier album "Four" (classic")
(Discussing music brings one topic on top of another on top of another and so on and so for etc etc.)
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tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) Posted Aug 28, 2003
The music was pretty good the acting lame the story bypassed but the presence of BB King means all is forgiven
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MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Aug 29, 2003
True, you can forgive a lot with the presence of "BB".
(But not that much! Bad movie, bad, bad movie!)
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MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Aug 29, 2003
True, you can forgive a lot with the presence of "BB".
(But not that much! Bad movie, bad, bad movie!)
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tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) Posted Aug 29, 2003
It does have one good line. When elwood bumps into BB at the battle of the bands and says youve done well for yourself. BB King done well for himself he is god
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MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Aug 30, 2003
Interesting concept really! if BB was God, that would make the blues holy and divine by rights (not that I don't think that way anyhoo)!
(I woke up this mornin'...and prayed to the Lord!)
(I said I woke up this mornin'...and prayed to the Lord!)
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tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) Posted Aug 30, 2003
He is of a sort, at least to me! So are all my other musical heroes, I live and play by their influence.
If you like a good book try BB's autobiography in which he proves his madness and suitability for elevation to deitydom by loosing his virginity at the age of 9 or thereabouts.
All hail good king B lord of the blues and god to me!
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MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Sep 2, 2003
If BB was god, we'd be allowed to eat fried chicken in church!
(Beer, fried chicken and da blues, maybe that's heaven on earth!)
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tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) Posted Sep 3, 2003
Sorry the ability is beyond me
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Sep 3, 2003
Dunno!It could be the picnic table that's getting their attention!
(Duh duh duh duh, woke up this mornin', duh, duh, duh, duh and I was dead....................................)
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- 1: tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) (Aug 21, 2003)
- 2: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Aug 21, 2003)
- 3: tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) (Aug 28, 2003)
- 4: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Aug 29, 2003)
- 5: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Aug 29, 2003)
- 6: tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) (Aug 29, 2003)
- 7: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Aug 30, 2003)
- 8: tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) (Aug 30, 2003)
- 9: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Sep 2, 2003)
- 10: tonemonkey(Steve Cooper, of BLiM fame (?!) contact me!) (Sep 3, 2003)
- 11: MadHamish : Off in the real world! (Sep 3, 2003)
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