"Dubbya's" Non-Jokes

1 Conversation

I was watching Letterman the other night nad he has begun a series called the "Almost Jokes of George Dubbya". It centres on the attempts of Dubbya to tell the odd (non)joke while giving speeches on his travels. Now I don't watch Letterman much on the ground that if you saw the first show ever, that's pretty much it. That and the fact that I get the urge to "bitchslap" Paul Schaffer back to the freakshow he came from! (Penis in a bad suit and who wears sunglasses inside really! Not a good look, he must be stoned or something!) Anywaaay........ I laughed so much my stomach burst at just one clip. If anyone out there has seen these segments and has the capacity to send them on electronically, please.....PLEASE.......let me know! I wil even trade Evil Winged Monkeys for them!

(I hate Dubbya more than Julia Roberts!)

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