A Conversation for Vout

DruglessBrain, you have today's Quote of the Day!

Post 1


Hello DruglessBrain!

Just popping by to let you know, if you hadn't noticed yet, that you have today's Quote of the Day.

Your Quote on the Front Page - http://h2g2.com - is:

I consider it a step too far in cubbyhole enfurnishment terms. I mean, the plants and the tablecloth and the vintage radios and the CD deck and the stuffed cat and the toy robin and snake... the blankets, dressing gown, toothbrush, slippers, hot water bottle, cafetier, flowers, fez and stock of porridge ALL notwithstanding, a leather recliner is deffo pushing it.

Which comes from:


smiley - applause

And if you've enjoyed seeing your name on the Front Page please consider sending a Quote to [email protected] to give the joy of a Front Page appearance to another researcher.


DruglessBrain, you have today's Quote of the Day!

Post 2


Hiya. Only just noticed this. Last few days a bit of a whirl. Mucho thanks.

kaf nvevbs vfv v ndkeoevgn PhD

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DruglessBrain, you have today's Quote of the Day!

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