A Conversation for Vout


Post 1


I have just been informed that my book &c donations to Oxfam have raised, factoring in Gift Aid, in the region of £1,000 in the last nine months.

It would now be a ver' bad time for me to find out that Oxfam is a crixx front. I have decided not to check, and would prefer to be left in ignorance on the matter.

I will continue to donate. Next stop, £2,000...

Work in Saltcoats concluded. A good job. A night in a nice hotel with a good dinner, then back home tomorrow.

Miah has, I am told, behaved perfectly while I have been away. I think that I bring out the best and the worst in that cat, as I also do with Susan...

I would like to take Susan for a wee break here in Saltcoats. The hotel is splendid, the food good, the beach bonny and the view of Arran dramatic. We could spend a day driving along the coast, then go over on the ferry to Arran for a day.


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