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The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9661


Edward the Bonobo

Well, yes, doesn't change change at all what I said though. I say lets tool up the Palestinians. Get both sides out into some empty desert and let themselves blow each other to bits. Hopefully, by the time it's over the Jews and Muslims left will be the ones who can get on together.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9662

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

smiley - sigh If only it were a simple matter of 'getting on' vs 'not getting on'. The fact of the matter is that one side has been deprived of land and resources by the other.

You're perfectly right, though, to point out that one side has been forced to resort to crude, unfocussed suicide bombing (and lobbing inaccurate, obsolete missiles) for want of hi-tech helicopter gunships.

But is the suicide bombing motivated by religious brainwashing? Well - I'm sure it's a useful recruiting tool. It's worth pointing out, though, that suicide tactics were also used by Soviet partisans against Nazi tanks, out of a similar desparation. They *probably* didn't believe they were going to get 72 virgins. Perhaps we should be a little more sceptical about the Received Wisdom on suicide bombers' motivations?

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9663



Beware if you live in Ireland you can now be fined upto £25,000 for uttering a blasphemic statement.<<

smiley - erm Would it be blasphemous to make fun of this? -->

“People have been coming from Kerry and Clare to see this tree, which we believe shows a clear outline of Our Lady,” he continued. Mr Hogan said the discovery was bringing people from all walks of life to Rathkeale to pray.

“It’s doing no harm and it’s bringing people together from young and old to black and white, Protestant and Catholic, to say a few prayers, so what’s wrong with that? There’s enough violence and intolerance going on in the world,” he said.


The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9664


Hmmm, Our Lady looks a right chubber.

Yes, it's bringing people who believe in the same god together but it does perpetuate the whole thing though.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9665


If I were the sort to approve of blasphemy laws, I'd be inclined to call revering that tree stump an act of blasphemy.smiley - erm

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9666


That's the blind hypocrisy of Catholicism: they aren't allow to worship false idols but they idolise Mary and Jesus...though I believe their theology allows them too.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9667

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

>> Hmmm, Our Lady looks a right chubber.

Funny. That's what PZ said.


TRiG.smiley - angel

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9668


Oh, what genius in the Chubber lady story:

Hold tight to those irony meters lest they go *spoing*...

"A spokesman for the Limerick diocesan office said the "church's response to phenomena of this type is one of great scepticism...we would...wish to avoid anything which might lead to superstition"

I'd really love to know if they actually know what they are saying. I haven't made up my mind whether knowing they are so dim they can't see the irony or whether they are intelligent enough to know they are basically being hypocritical is worse. I think the hypocrisy as one can just about forgive people for being a blithering moron...just a shame they are in a position of power over there.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9669

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I am absolutely certain that Jesus & Mo will have something to say about this.

It might get them banned in Ireland, what with our new blasphemy law.

I am not best pleased with my government at the moment.

TRiG.smiley - angel

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9670

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

S'OK. You've signed up to the ECHR. The blasphemy law is null and void.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9671


Next they will ban unmarried people living together or sleeping in the same hotel room. Anyone not eating fish on a Friday will have an on the spot fine. Roving Priests will be able to force people to confess their sins at anytime of day and if they do not on the spot fines and enforced hail mary's have to be said.

And if that sounds absurd...they have just passed a blasphemy law in the 21st century...anything is possible.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9672

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Again...praise the Lord for the European Convention on Human Rights. Good, innit?

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9673


Apart from the fact that if the Islamic Nations can get resolutions through the UN to subdue criticism against Islam the Catholic and Christian/Anglican countries will not be far behind them.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9674

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

But the UN Declaration on Human Rights will still apply. Storm in a smiley - tea.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9675

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Besides;...when did the UN ever subdue anything. smiley - rolleyes

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9676




"A United Nations forum on Thursday passed a resolution condemning "defamation of religion" as a human rights violation, despite wide concerns that it could be used to justify curbs on free speech in Muslim countries."

And it was specifically about Islam.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9677


Yes, because the Arab kingdoms are so careful making sure everyone has their human rights.

Since when has a UN resolution meant anything? All this does is makes the UN appear even more irrelevant.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9678


Yup, correct and it gives Arab/Islamic states more strength.

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9679

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

More strength in what way? Do you imagine the resolution might prevent criticism of Islam in non-Islamic nations?

The moral majority strikes again...

Post 9680


Let's hope not.

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