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Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 1

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

I've been wondering about my own (and other people's) motivations for having debates and discussions on this site (and on others) about politics, current affairs, ethics, religion etc. Why do we bother?

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

In order to beat the 'other side' into submittion and into the ground.... possibly.... Or... Cause we've nothing better to do.... smiley - erm or... dunno smiley - ermsmiley - run

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 3

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

That pretty much sums it up for me. Didn't we already have this exact thread?

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 4

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I debate if I think the other person is incorrect or not seeing 'the bigger picture'.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 5

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Some people "debate" in order to fight against racism, in all its forms. But some racism is more racist than other forms.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 6

The Doc

I do it to put across a differnt point of view, which usually results in me (the other side)being "Beaten into submittion and into the ground...."

Thats about right isnt it FB and Blicky?

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 7


The only sound transmitted on the internet that you can hear without the loudspeaker is the gnashing of teeth.

That's why I'm here smiley - biggrin

PS My (Muslim) boss is also here since I told him all about it.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 8

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

With you there again Doc ! on both counts......
smiley - blackcat

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 9


Personally, I just like the sound of forehead on brick.

(actually, I do it to learn and develop my own ideas. I.e. debate and where others have good ideas I nick them and where they point out holes in mine I try to either cover them or rethink my premise. Seems to work quite well.)

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 10

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Well sometimes I do it to learn, I have on many occasions in the last 3 years or so on h2g2 had my opinion changed as a result of h2g2 debate.

More often than not I do it to pass the time because I am bored.

"I do it to put across a differnt point of view, which usually results in me (the other side)being "Beaten into submittion and into the ground...."

Thats about right isnt it FB and Blicky?"

Sorry if you feel that way Doc, trouble is almost every thing you post I find so reprehensible I cannot help myself. It is like you know exactly what buttons to press in order to just wind me up. At one point I thought you might be one of my pals under a psydenom winding me up. Then I realised that was pretty arrogant and paranoid.

"With you there again Doc ! on both counts......

Well Novo I usually disagree but I feel I am normally pretty polite to you....

"Some people "debate" in order to fight against racism, in all its forms. But some racism is more racist than other forms."

So Arnie do you not think there can be degrees of the harm offered by Racism?

For example is someone motivate by racial hatred who sets fire to a house of someone of different ethnicity having blocked the door so they all die, exactly the same as someone who tells a mildly racist joke in private? Do both actions deserve an identical response? Surely not.


for an explanation.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 11

The Doc

"Sorry if you feel that way Doc, trouble is almost every thing you post I find so reprehensible I cannot help myself. It is like you know exactly what buttons to press in order to just wind me up."

If you find my postings reprehensible, then I cannot help that because I genuinely never set out to wind people up. If my opinions are sometimes strong, it it is because I hold passionate views on the subject in question. I really am too bluntly honest about what I feel - and maybe I should remember that can be presented in an unpalatable way sometimes.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 12

Secretly Not Here Any More

I come on here to debate as most of my circle of friends have similar views, beliefs and experiences. Does a person good to broaden their horizons and thought, even if they don't agree with everything that someone else says.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 13

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

smiley - musicalnote world's smallest violin playing for the Doctor and Novo.

That's a curious analogy FB, b/c I've observed The stronger racism receiving the milder response around here...

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 14

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

I debate here because my friends wouldn't put up with it.

I like debating, often it's fun, or thought-provoking. I learn things about myself, my communication skills, other people. All good.

I like practicing putting an argument together too. It's exercise for my mind. Other times I'm just winging it and I like that freefall when debate threads have posts coming thick and fast (doesn't happen as much these days).

Sometimes if it's a serious thread (or post on my part) I'll research before I post. Or I'll research in response to what someone else has said. I learn quite alot this way, or it helps me be clearer in my arguments, and helps me remember salient points that I can use again.

WIth some topics, like racism, I do feel an obligation to put out a differing point of view, especially if I see alot of views that I think are not well thought through or are based on misunderstandings or ignorance. But I also learn alot from those kinds of threads too.

Debating here helps me deepen my understanding of my own thinking processes, and helps me to change.

I think my tolerance for views quite different from my own has increased alot in my time here. And ike others have said, it's good to debate with people that think differently.

I also know that I am waaay less reactive than when I first joined, and that is a skill that has made the whole thing doubly worth it. This skill is now in RL too smiley - magic

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 15

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I like watching people that are more intelligent and better informed than me have petty arguements err... reasoned and balanced debate.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 16

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"That's a curious analogy FB, b/c I've observed The stronger racism receiving the milder response around here..."

The point I was making is that not all racism is the same, and therefore it does not always necessitate the same response.

Also if for example someone was unaware of the racism being posted then it does not reflect badly on them to have not challenged it. Unfortunately most researchers here are not psychic.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 17

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

"WIth some topics, like racism, I do feel an obligation to put out a differing point of view,"

Or not. smiley - winkeye

Ahh, I'm not referring to psychic abilities FB.

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 18

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< Why do we bother?>>

Because it is fun.


Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 19

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

I can engage in a bit of intellectual rough-housing without too many egos being bruised and it means I don't bore my wife to death my trendy yoghurt-weaving, karma-knitting, sandal-wearing and beard-growing Grauniad politics.

smiley - ok
smiley - shark

Why do you debate with people on the internet?

Post 20


I can state my views without being interrupted & can interact (or merely observe) a range of opinions & arguments which I wouldn't otherwise encounter.

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