A Conversation for Life in a Third World Island - (UG)
The spirit remains
Spynxxx Started conversation Dec 18, 2004
This sort of reputation is one hard to shed. But I once had a grunt{the name for ANY job site helper, go-fer, what have you} who came to America to escape the "revolution". He left everything, houses, cars, all the possesions he had worked hard to obtain, and fled with his family to the safety of our shores. He was a fine helper, always smiling, happy to do whatever was asked without complaint.
As we came to know one another, he told me his tale. An architect in his land, he had recently completed the design a new royal plaza for the King of Borneo. Yes folks, I saw the proof, and this was no tall tale. And he was MY grunt.
His degrees were unacredited on our shores, and he lacked the means to change that. Like me, he had a family to feed, and work was hard to come by. Yet he never once shed a tear over his losses. And he never lost that smile.
Before this, I had been a sailor. I had preconceived notions about the Philliphines and the people. Haveing come to know this man and felt the indominatable will he possesed changed that forever. To this day, I look INSIDE rather than AT before I ever make judgements.
Indeed, the troubles may be self induced, and the changes are difficult and slow to come. But the heart and courage to see them set them right is there. I remember the soul of my freind, and I know that it can be no other way.
The spirit remains
Mrs Zen Posted Feb 3, 2005
Bloody hell, Spynxxx. You remind me that we don't know we are bloody born....
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The spirit remains
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