A Conversation for 168th Greatest Story in the Universe - A Tribute

Talk to the duck 'cos the hen 'aint listenin'

Post 1


Last one next week (as soon as I finish it).

Marksout of ten so far? smiley - smiley

Talk to the duck 'cos the hen 'aint listenin'

Post 2

Post Team

The hen always listens... it's just not allowed to talk thats all... it lets the duck do it's talking for it...


Talk to the duck 'cos the hen 'aint listenin'

Post 3

Post Team

Oi'll give it 9 smiley - ok

shazz smiley - thepost

Talk to the duck 'cos the hen 'aint listenin'

Post 4


This another one of those stories where I wonder why it was written on here, like The Dark Times, where's it's so good that it blatanly publishable yet the Beeb gets the copyright.

I don't think you realise the talent and the intelligence behind this which, as far as I see it, could get you a nice bundle of money and seeing your ability solidified on a shelf in WH Smiths or/and Waterstones.

My story is on here because I know it's too pedandic to be considered quality (that and I don't take the time with it).

Write something and get it published. I know I'd buy it regardless of plot because of the high quality in style and presentation in the same way that I get Terry Pratchett books, which is not to say the story isn't important.

8/9 of out 10, bud.

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Talk to the duck 'cos the hen 'aint listenin'

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