A Conversation for Ladies Restroom


Post 21

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

I mean that you two would look so cute together! I mean,its obvious that you have a crush on him. And he probably likes you back. Just ask him already!


Post 22


Fine! I'll ask him already! Geeze! *leaves the room*


Post 23

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

*follows Kleopatra out of the room*


Post 24


*standing dumbly feeling very awkward*

I shouldn't of heard that...why didn't they see me?! Oh Bugger.

*examines feet closely for no other reason than to ponder situation*


Post 25

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*Becomes visible again* Well, that was interesting. *flies around and turns off all the sinks* No need to keep these on. I really don't know why they didn't see you, but gossip has been going on in my bathroom for the longest time, so I'm used to it. *lands in front of Kreetch*


Post 26


*eying Myrtle warily*

So...do you pass on what you hear?


Post 27

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Occasionally I pass it on, but sometimes, I keep alot of things secret.


Post 28

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*floats over to the mirror* Why? Is there anything you want to know?


Post 29


*thinks about it for a moment*

Probably, but I was a bit more worried about you blabbling what they said. No offence, like, I'm not saying you would or anything, its just the poor guy probably has enough on his plate without being the center of gossip. But...if you know any secret passage ways for creeping around Hogwarts after lights out, I'm sure interested in that!


Post 30

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*thinks a moment* I personally don't know any secret passages, but I know Kiro does. He has a map that you might be interested in. Marauder's Map. Does that name ring a bell? *floats into the air*


Post 31

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Whoops... I wasn't supposed to say that. I had heard it from one of the other ghosts... He's been sneaking around.


Post 32

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

*Wanders in*

Hi Myrtle...


Post 33

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)



Post 34

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Hey...Harry came in all those years ago...

I was wondering if you had heard of all the Demonic attacks that have been happpening?


Post 35

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Harry Potter was a special case... He was famous you know.. and as for the demon attacks... I don't know anything... *floats above Atari's head then disappears*


Post 36

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Okay. Thanks Myrtle!smiley - smiley


Post 37

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*floats down behind Atari and breathes an icy breeze across his neck*


Post 38


*walks in, surprised to see Atari* uh.. Hi.. Atari... Do you know where Lily is?


Post 39

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*tickles Atari from behind*


Post 40

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)


*runs out*

Bye Myrtle

Key: Complain about this post