A Conversation for Ladies Restroom


Post 1

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Why are you here? What are you doing in my bathroom?


Post 2


*Looking mortified...*

I...uh...welll...um...I wanted to use the loo...and ...uh...well...there was all this moaning and....uh...maybe I'll just....um...well...um...er...

*backing nervously away...*


Post 3

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

Just Go! *sobs* Nobody ever stays around! I'm always alone! *sobs and screams*


Post 4



Hey! Well...look, I'll make a deal with ya, stop crying and, *longish pause*...we'll...*longer pause*...um...*finishes a little lamely*...chat?

*Tries to look reassuring and friendly*


Post 5

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*screams* GO AWAY!!!! *turns on all the sinks to start a flood* I DON'T WANT TO CHAT!!!


Post 6


Look theres no need to be huffy. You started moaning cos you was all alone and the minute someone tries to be friendy you go in an almighty cream puff.

*Looking at flooded floor*

How'd all these fish get in here?


Post 7

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)



Post 8


Allright, allright, keep your shirt on. No wonder you're so miserable with all these fish around, I'm not going till I put them back down the loo at least, not unless you want ghostly fins flapping about to keep you company...sheesh.

*After five mins the fish are swimming merrily at the bottom of a toilet*

Right then, I'd like to say it was a pleasure meeting you...

*Backs out of door shaking head*

Maybe we'll chat another time, eh?

*waves cheerily with a cheesy grin*


Post 9

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*the flood waters are still gaining* GOOD RIDDANCE!


Post 10


*Pops head round door*

Sorry? Didn't catch that!

*Said with infuriatingly cheerfulness*


Post 11


*enters the door, not realizing that Kreetch is even there*

Hurry Lily!

*looks into a mirror on the wall, completely ignoring Kreetch and Myrtle*


Post 12

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

*pushes past Kreetch and follows Kleopatra right up to the mirror*

I'm here! Is this where you want to talk?


Post 13


Yes, This is where I wanted to talk.

*holds up the letter*

This letter is from my mum. She has important news she said I must share with you.


Post 14

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

Well, what is it? Don't keep me in suspense.

*struggles to read the letter, but realizes that its in a coded language*

Hey! Why can't I read that?


Post 15

Moaning Myrtle (Hogwart's Ghost)

*puts a finger over her lips to Kreetch as a 'Keep Quiet' symbol*

*goes invisible and hovers in the air over the two Hufflepuffs*


Post 16


*doesn't evern realize that Myrtle is there*

That's because the letter is in a secret code that my mom and I share. We use it when writing to each other when there are things that we don't want anyone else knowing. She told me that it'd be okay if I told you what I am about to tell you about Kiro Yukai because your father's in the Ministry as well. I learned something about Kiro...


Post 17

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

What about Kiro Yukai? Tell me. Why did you stop?


Post 18


Kiro Yukai's parents were Death Eaters. My mom told me that he might be bad news.. But I can't help liking him. I thought you might be the only one who could understand. My mom said that the people at the orphanage were told that his parents were killed by Death Eaters and weren't actually Death Eaters themselves.


Post 19

Kleopatra (Hufflepuff)

So?! His parents were Death-Eaters, no big deal! Lots of people who had Death-Eaters lived on to have completely normal lives. I think you're overreacting. Both you and your mom. Now, when are you two going to start dating?


Post 20


I guess you're right about his parents. Just because they were, doesn't mean... Hey! What do you mean 'When are we going to start dating?'

Key: Complain about this post