Thank goodness it's Friday, my a**.

2 Conversations

Friday has always been looked on favorably by most individuals, but tradition among sailors has it as a day of bad luck. In the glory days of the British empire, this belief was so prevalent that it began to affect normal operations and trade; sailors refused to ... basically do anything on Fridays. The British Royal Navy, sensing that seven days would be slightly more productive than six, decided to dispel this rumor once and for all and thus redeem Fridays' usefullness.
The plans for the H.M.S. Friday were chartered on a Friday. Construction began on a Friday, her keel was laid on a Friday, she was launched on a Friday. Her crew received their orders on a Friday, she set sail the following Friday under the command of Captain Friday. She sailed out over the horizon without a hitch, to the pleasure of the Royal Navy. Who promptly became rather distraught WHEN SHE WAS NEVER SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN.

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