A Conversation for GG: Binoculars

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 1


Nice piece. Good, straightforward stuff.

Three things I noticed were:
1) you say that you cannot have one binocular (as per definition), but you may have mentioned the monocular which is similar in intent to, but different from, a telescope.

2) I didn't notice any mention of prescription binoculars for those with glasses; but I might have missed it.

3) Conclusion was you get what you pay for; true. But, if you mention cost, it may be a good idea to mention where they may be acquired. More money can be saved by looking in resale and pawn shops.

Just thinking out loud. smiley - towel

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

I've reproduced your comments in the Peer Review thread and have answered them there.

1. I don't really want to mention monoculars. THe entry is long enough as it is. I suppose if a monocular was one, why isn't it a pair of monoculars?

2. You don't prescriptive binoculars, because they can compensate for your eyes by focusing.

3. Where to buy binoculars is beyond the scope of this entry. There'd be enough in that for another entry, I'd say.

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Sorry that 2nd point is: you don't _need_ prescriptive binoculars, because the focussing mechanism in normal binoculars does the same job.

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 4


Right on all counts, of course. However, focusing does me no good whatsoever.

My ocular prescription includes a prismatic component to compensate for my normal inability to focus on one object with both eyes. Eye muscle surgery at 9-years-old helped tremendously, but adjustment is still necessary in my lenses. (The reason I cannot wear contacts is that my prisms are up/down, not right/left, which could be corrected for.)

I suppose, somewhere out in our vast universe, someone would be capable of fitting a prescriptive prism on one of the oculars for me. Sigh!

Better still, perhaps they could fit one to my cornea!

smiley - towel

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

In that case, you should use binoculars with large eye relief and use them while wearing your glasses.

Cyclops discrimination?

Post 6


Thanks for the advice. This could prove helpful.

Got any suggestions on my viewing stereoscopic slides or magic eye images?

smiley - towel

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