'Erotica' Mini Meet

3 Conversations

A number of researchers are living dangerously enough to want to traipse around the Erotica festival 'the world's largest erotic festival and the ultimate lifestyle event for any open minded adult over 18.' It is held annually, and this year has over 230 exhibitors. Though not for those who are straightlaced, it is a fun event and was hugely enjoyed by the handfull of researchers that went 2 years ago.

Where is it?

Erotica 2003, London is being held at:

Grand Hall, Olympia

Olympia Exhibition Centre,

Hammersmith Road,

London W14 8UX

When Is It?

Although Erotica is being held from Friday the 14th of November till Sunday the 16th November, the meet will be held on Sunday the 16th. Times still to be arranged.

How Much Will It Cost?

Tickets can be bought on the door for £17. However, if you pre-book, you can get the price down to £13.50 with a £1.35 booking fee. This is an all day ticket, however, there is no re-admission.

Where Can I Go For More Information?

Ok, you've read whats here, and not been scared off. This is a good sign! For more info, go to Google and search for the Erotica website.

Who Else is Crazy Enough To Want To Go?

On the list of people who want to attend are:

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