A Conversation for party food,

Sensible thought here...

Post 1

random fat bird

... which I know is an odd thing for me.

When and where are we going to convene for the consumption of food? Is this going to be at the actual afternoon event at 3pm in Hyde Park? Or are we planning to meet there earlier? Just so I know, I need to make sure I dont get all flappy and 'foosed on the daysmiley - winkeyesmiley - silly

Sensible thought here...

Post 2

Z Phantom

i figured just meet with everyone else, as i'm arriving in london at about 13:30,

Sensible thought here...

Post 3

random fat bird

Good plansmiley - ok

I'm trying to plug the page with my name. Apparently Abi, splendid chapess that she is is going to try to get people to come here as wellsmiley - biggrin

Sensible thought here...

Post 4

Z Phantom

thank you kaz and Abi

i've plugged the page in my name as well,

Z phantom

Sensible thought here...

Post 5

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

tell Abi not to forget the smiley - donuts smiley - biggrin

smiley - devilREBs

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